🌙episode eleven🌙

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A few of the sky rained above Hoseok's doe globes, laying in the luscious green grass, covered with dew. His figure next to a lake, where Yoongi was digging into the head of his own. The older had become more concerned with Taehyung's 'roommate' having observed as he sprinted two miles ten minutes ago.

Yoongi brushed at his own mint locks, freshly dyed over. "Have you attempted talking it out with him? It's been a few days. He let out a elongated sigh. "Despite him not being the-best person-it's worth a try." His smooth voice flowed into Hoseok's eardrums.

Hoseok's shimmering orbs glanced to the older. "I've f-found it hard to approach s-someone who kept so m-many s-secrets from me. B-Bending or s-something among t-those lines." He blinked, a wave of several emotions swam into his body without any sense of remorse.

A nod from his old friend, who they had found recollecting the pieces of their former friendship. It was separation at a younger age that tore them apart. "Making your way with words will persuade him further. Out of anyone in this orphanage I am one of the two who knows him the best, it doesn't matter how much research takes place-" He ran his slender fingers among the water. "It's what you ask of him."

"A-Ask of him?" Hoseok shot his body up, the dew stained locks of his sticking to his face. "What d-do you m-mean?"

"That would be his way of saying, what information you gain from him and how fast you approach." Yoongi's tender orbs squinted. "How quickly have you guys moved?"

Hoseok covered his face up with his delicate hands. "Very. B-But he's created a c-cover up." Tear drops fell to his palms.

The older male came closer, not creating contact. He was very caution of his actions. "You've gotten far with him. I believe you can talk with him further. Fight your fears." He became a motivational speaker in this very moment, each word perking up Hoseok's mood.

Hoseok grabbed onto Yoongi's shoulders with a teary eyes smile. Yoongi felt was a tad throw back at the sudden rapid movement. "Yes-I c-can!"

Yoongi's gummy smile sparkled in the sunlight. "Be cautious yeah? Do that for your old friend?"

A bob up and down in response from the bright, bubbly male. "C-Call us f-friends." He tilted his head to the side, representing a small puppy.

"Right-yeah friends."


A fresh afternoon breeze flowed in the orphanage center. The stone fountain flowed with crystal blue water, representing what you would observe in a fantasy story. Jimin tapped his Chelsea boots to the concrete, his hands positioning onto his hips as his fiery locks caught into the air.

"You finally decided to show up after five days huh?" Jimin shoved his snarky tone into Taehyung's revolted face as he approached the setting. "I'm glad you considered the invite, despite being a bit late. I knew you would show up."

"You never shut up do you." Taehyung angled his eyebrows downwards, irritated. Dark circles traced under each globe. "I have obvious reasons to avoid talking to you again."

"Oh, I know. You just hold onto so many secrets in that head of yours." Jimin tilted his head upwards at a slight angle. "Who were you to Jungkook."

The bluberry locked males breathe hitched, tightening his fist. "His friend! We were friends."

Aggravated, Jimin rose his voice. "What did you do to him?"

"What do you mean what did I do to him? You know that he blocks out the times he was bullied by people at school, and even his distant family." Taehyung took a breather, stepping back in distance from Jimin. "His parents, don't you remember? They were killed in front of him. The only reason they could dig from the criminal is he wanted to see Jungkook suffer for the rest of his life. How he would live after a concussion."

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