🌙episode ten🌙

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Blankets covered each male as they woke up to the bright rays of the sun. Hoseok blinked as he came to a conclusion of the time it was, his fave was now in close range to Taehyung, the position they has not fallen asleep in last night, his hand lightly around the older's waist, not causing him any panic.

Taehyung's voice was far more gruff in the morning. "Good morning seokie" His coffee orbs looked soft, Hoseok fell into a dimple smile. A smile that handy used around this male very often.

"M-Morning." The pink locked boy let out a low yawn. "You like sleeping close don't you?"

The younger fixed Hoseok's messy morning hair. "It's comforting. Plus seem to have a mutual trust of each other, I would assume." Their faces became inches apart.

"I would s-say so y-yeah." A soft peck was placed with care onto Hoseok's lips at the phrase.

"I'm glad."


Yoongi bit down onto his lip, hard enough for the skin to break free so blood would fall loose. His foot tapped on the grey carpet ground of his counselors office. Without Namjoon in here as his supporting rock he felt a bit lost. But he knew the younger was out there if they had to bring him into the

"Yoongi? Are you sure you're ready to talk about this?" Dr.Kang snapped the mint locked boy out of his anxious daze.

A deep breathe escaped from his mouth. "I can't keep in anymore. There's no way in hell I can." He gulped loudly, his orbs not meeting the eyes of the older blond.

The counselors tapped his black ink pen onto his fingers. "Then talk to me all you need. Remember, you can ask for Namjoon at any time." He soothed the younger male at the slightest with his calming tone of voice.

Yoongi picked at his nails, a habit he had acquired. "Taehyung, he- our past relationship." His other hand gripped into the chair, he was far to used to hashing his lover by his side "Emotionless he was emotionless, as time went on he wasn't himself. There is someone good inside him, but he's so far gone I don't think-I don't think he's coming back. I don't want him to hurt someone else I don't-" His hands covered his mouth.

Yeosang wanted to take a gentle approach to Yoongi. "How did you ever approach leaving him? How did it feel?"

Yoongi leaned back in the chair, eyeing around the room before looking in the light coffee orbs of the therapist. "I told him how it was to his face. He was hurting me and making comments I didn't want to hear. His heart, It just dissolved almost." He spoke genuinely, breaking into his ex-lovers past.

Yeosang has become a listener. "You broke free to find someone better. Namjoon."

"It's-lovely to have someone like him. We're both learning more about ourselves and who really are." A tear dropped down his face. "Having someone like him is something everyone needs to experience."

"You're a smart one Yoongi." Yeosang nodded his head at a slow pace.

Yoongi shrugged, letting out a small chuckle. "I do my best. For the sake of myself and others."

He's always had the best intentions. Yoongi took himself out of the room, the words had been spoken to someone of higher power. Namjoon looked into the older male's eyes, a hint of concern traced them. "My love, what's with the tears?" He tilted his head to the side.

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