🌙episode two🌙

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Namjoon's orbs were glistening from the early morning sun looked at his beloved boyfriend Yoongi, as he sat on the edge of the bed. The mint haired male was rustling around in his sleep far more often than any other would.

Maybe it was just the ideas he had pressed into his head for years, just maybe it was that. At least in this house of orphaned children he would be able to develop more as a human being rather than an object of sorts.

Yoongi bursted awake in a sweat, a fearful look on his face as his gloves directly looked at the male in front of him. He took a moment to catch a breathe before speaking. "I visualized the accident again...why am I the only one who survived?" A couple droplets of tears fell staining the bed sheet he was covered by.

Namjoon moved his head up and down trying to process the situation in front of him. Eyes gazing at the one who he felt most comfortable talking with. "The car hit in such a way that...that it took your parents away from you. You lived with minor injuries because you were in the back of the car" The younger male pulled his lover closer, forming them into a hug.

Yoongi laid his head on the male's shoulder, the scent of his spice body wash with hints of citrus pouring through the grey knitted cloth. He knew that the younger's empathy was lack of "Yeah...yeah babe." a long sigh traced his words.

Light poured through the black haired male's hair. The hug broken so he could be face to face with the emotional male. "I did something wrong didn't I?"

Yoongi remained close to the other male, his appearance more disheveled than who sat across from him shining in the light. "It's...okay."

Seokjin appeared as a shadow in the light as he looked his two friends exchange words.


Beginning of spring air flowed through Taehyung and Hoseok's hair. They wandered on the path where they were free to walk.  The oldest's orbs kept to the ground, occasionally looking up so he didn't bump the entirety of his body into a bench, causing an embarrassing scene that would reflect his childhood.

The male with stained blue locks furrowed his brows annoyed with the silence he's experienced in exactly the past fifteen minutes and twenty seconds. "You can talk to me, you know?" His voice coated the air with a low pitch. "At least to stab away at the silence." He trailed off during his final statement, looking at a violet blooming in the grass for a split second.

Hoseok turned his head upwards, his chocolate orbs turning into caramel from the sole star above. He strayed away from direct eye contact, having memory of the previous day. "S-sorry I'm just not much of a p-people person." A smile that appeared quickly faded from his face.

Taehyung sighed as he had thoughts run through his brain before speaking a reply to the fellow male. "You didn't seem like one when you walked in last night." He raised his eyebrows high, pursing his lips in an annoyed manner.

The cotton candy pink haired male began to play with his fingers out of an anxious habit. "Y-you shut everyone o-out don't y-you?" the cloud began to let the light free, projecting onto their caramel toned skin.

Taehyung stopped them both so their bodies were in line with one another. He scanned the male with pink locks similar to the behavior of a machine. "If you want to know what happened to me, you have to gain my trust. Telling someone new is a sink or swim move on my ship." He sighed as the chocolate color of his globes only seemed to become darker.

The male across from him tapped his foot on the ground, blinking away the emotions soaring through him. "Y-your n-nothing like glass y-your like a d-diamond."

Taehyung ruffled at his turquoise hair, shrugging his shoulders in the jean jacket he was draped in. "I'll take that as a compliment." He let his voice paint the sky with bland colors. A shaky sigh came from the male representing a sweet treat as he paced his feet wearing azure converse to the direction of the house before the young one could guide him.

In his head he noted Hoseok spoke for two minutes and ten seconds.


Wind blew on a small pond forming the smallest of waves in the moonlight. Yoongi had placed himself in front of the body of water, funding comfort in the pure beauty it reflected. His mint locks laid neatly on his head, he always made sure each strand laid in its exact spot.

Tornadic winds blew voices through his head. They were voices of the past, voices that made his spine shudder at each clip running through his mind like a playlist that was never ending.

He knew through the train of time that they took care of him he wasn't always the son they wanted to be. He knew bits of the truth as his parents argued downstairs in the living room, his face streaming tears as he was breaking slowly into bits of shattered glass from the car that was his fathers.

But he he, Yoongi, would blast our what he heard with the comforting hug of music. But drowning in music wouldn't save him from what truly happened the night of his parents death. And why it happened.

Locks stuck to his face as he shook his head looking into the shallow pond, tears colliding with the freshwater pond. "We're they ever my parents?" He mumbled as he collected oxygen into his desperate lungs. "Or was it another lie."

His body collapsed into the soft green grass behind him that had shades of purple, yellow, and white flowers to take away from the green of the earth. Brining it beauty. "Another damn lie."


Taehyung found himself staring at the ceiling at the hour of twelve am. Sleepless nights often traced him from the memories that had all followed him back to here.

He wanted to be free, he wanted to fly.

Perhaps if he wasn't so selfish and more selfless.

His orbs, having a gleam off moonlight, looked at his sleeping roommate in the bed across from him. Fear was written on his head with a sharpie marker. There wasn't much intent to let his diamond break into shards. It would be better for him to let it crack open slowly like melting ice during the winter time.

He would crack, break, grow wings and fly.


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