new blood

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A/N: words: 1849. hiiiiiiii. this was such an annoying chapter to write, but its fine, im fine. when in doubt, A N G S T. anyway, enjoy!

"Captain Wilson." Monica greeted at the doors of the SWORD facility, a month after their anniversary. Sam smiled, shaking her outstretched hand.

"Good to meet you officially, Ms Rambeau. And please, call me Sam." Bucky stood behind Sam, his eyes scanning the building, trying not to make eye contact with anyone.

"Alright Sam, call me Monica." Sam figured that she would introduce herself to Bucky next, so he softly kicked Bucky in the foot. His head went up immediately, smiling softly.

"Bucky." Monica smiles at him.

"Good to meet you, now if you'll follow me, your team awaits." Monica turned her back towards them, making her way to the glass doors at the other end of the foyer. Bucky and Sam exchange glances of what the hell does that mean? but follow all the same.

"I know you probably have a lot of questions-"

"Which I could help with, too, you know, Mon." Monica's partner, the one they heard on the phone, enters the room through a door close to the glass ones Monica is leading them to.

"Right. This is Dr. Darcy Lewis. She hangs around here a lot."

"Because I have a job here?" Darcy interjected, causing Monica to turn and glare at her. But a glare Sam has seen before, mainly from the man beside him. Monica's tight smile turns into something a little more fond. Bucky and him exchange a short look. Something along the lines of I've seen this before.

"Anyway, I am the head of operations of this place. It was my moms before me, and I guess I'm just trying to make her proud." There's a look on Monica's face, the slight break of her voice that Sam recognizes all too well. He thinks they might have a lot in common. "So, any questions?" Monica's voice goes back to how it was when they first met, and it makes Sam's heart sting.

"Not really."

"Yeah, no." Bucky agreed. Monica smiled warmly at them.


When Monica pushed the doors open, she revealed what Sam figured was the newest team of avengers. Scott, the woman Scott never shut up about (Sam figured), Wong (whom he connected with at the final battle), a woman with blonde hair (Carol?), and two new ones who he had never seen in his life. And, of course, Joaquin, who had been so excited it would've been a crime if Sam didn't invite him.

"Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Wong, Carol Danvers, Katy Chen, Xu Shang-Chi, and, as you know, Joaquin Torres. Please get less friends." Monica informed them, voice low enough, so only the two men hear her, pointing to each new avenger. Sam sighed, exchanging a look with Bucky. This may have been a mistake.

"Delightful." Bucky muttered from beside him. Sam smiled softly, shaking his head.

"You decided to do this, that's on you." Sam responded.

"Hey, I don't got all day." Carol called out, hiding her smirk. Oh god, Sam thought, because oh god this is what it felt like to be Steve?

"Sorry I'm late, my dog was pissing me off." A familiar strong Russian accent said, blonde hair in braids, clad in black. "Sam, hello." She waved at him, and Sam waved back, an amused smile on his face. "Barnes." Yelena said with a short nod, which Bucky returned.

"So," Monica started, "I know the state of the avengers are up in the air right now, but I want everyone to know, we have most of this under control."

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