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[five] "everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end" -ed sheeran

I decide to do something tonight. Not just stay home and do homework and sulk about what happened today. It's a Friday night and I won't need to face Lindsay until Monday, so I don't need to worry about that at the moment.

Mom and Dad had the same thoughts as me. I went downstairs about an hour after my talk with Mom, and now I'm standing in front of Dad who is wearing a suit.

"How come you're still dressed like that?" I ask him curiously.

"Well Paris, your Mom and I wanted to go out tonight. We haven't been on a date in a few years actually, so if you don't mind-"

"I was actually going to go out too. Get out of the house for a bit, would that be okay?" I ask.

He seems to be thinking about it, but Mom comes down with a black and blue dress, with three quarter lace sleeves, and it ends right before her knee.

"What's going on here? Paris, you good now?" she asks, holding her heels in one hand and trying to put on earrings.

"Um, yeah, but I was wondering if I could go out tonight?"

"Well of course you can!" Mom says, and Dad's eyes widen, questioning her decision.

Mom continues, "We can just call Margret over here. She said she could come anytime, and I'm sure she'll be able to watch the kids while we're gone."

Dad nods in agreement and my stomach forms butterflies: I'm going out tonight.

"Great!" Mom exclaims, "I'll call her right now." She reaches for her cell phone and in no more than fifteen minutes, Margret is standing outside our door.

I come downstairs in black leggings and lose dark blue top, casual, but nice. Mom smiles when she notices me, and I send her a smile back.

I say goodbye to everyone, and both a hello and goodbye to Margret, then head out the door, wearing a light coat since it's not too cold out, and some cash in my pocket for the night. I'm actually not sure where I'll be going, but whenever I get there, I'm sure there won't be any regrets.

* * *

It's a cool night, with a chilly wind that goes along with the cold temperature. I make my way to the bus stop, since it's not too late. I contemplate on going to the library and spending my time there, but I go there all the time, so it won't be as fun as I thought tonight would become. Mom and Dad are probably enjoying some expensive gourmet food right about now, sitting at a table enjoying each other's company. I can't help but wonder if they are worrying about us-the kids. I can't help but wonder if they try not to think about me going out at night, or if mom can't think of anything else other than our conversation.

I make it to a diner. The bus stops in front of a building with bright lights and huge windows therefore making it easy to see the inside.

I take a deep breath in, and walk through the door. People look my way, and I quickly realize there's some sort of party going on. There are girls making talk with guys, holding plastic cups, waving them around dramatically. Suddenly my heart starts to pound, because what if I'm not supposed to be here? Is this like, a reserved party or something?

I see a barista cleaning the counter so I make my way over there. She notices me and smiles politely.

"Can I sit?" I ask nervously.

"Yes of course, is there anything I can get for you?" she leans her elbows on the counter and folds her hands under her chin.

I think for a moment, and respond to her question, "For now . . . I'll just take water, thanks."

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