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[seventeen] "you're the cure. You're the pain. You're the only thing I wanna touch." -Ellie Goulding

The police station seems different today. More people are rushing around, it's not as calm as it was when I came here a few days ago.

    I arrive here alone, even after Aiden looked like he was ready to drop everything and come with me.

    The waiting area has a few extra seats available to sit in so I do so, nervously walking over to it. My fingers are trembling, my hands are sweaty and the fact that I just got humiliated in front of over half the school makes me even shakier.

    The Coke dried a bit on the way here, but I still see a stain that's probably never going to come off, and it's bugging me. I wanted to try to act like nothing happened: like I didn't just go through something like that, but I don't think that's possible.

    From here, I can see the end of the first hall, and my view right now is Mr. Roger Banks. Aiden's Dad, I remind myself.

    I find it weird how his father is the main investigator that has been telling me everything about my mother's disappearance. It's like, I see him at school, and go home waiting for his Dad to call me and tell me my mother was found. Odd right?

    He walks over toward the waiting area and stops a foot in front of me, shoves his hands in his pants pockets and sighs, "You look like you've had yet another tough day,"

    "Is it that noticeable?" I need to look up quite a bit to see his face clearly.

    "Well, your shirt looks like it's been drenched in something, but I'm not going to ask-"

    "Good choice,"

    "And that frown is telling me that you need some good news,"

    I stand up abruptly and my eyes widen, "You found her!?" I scream out.

    "Not quite yet," he says and I slide back into my seat, disappointed, "But don't lose hope, I told you that already, because we sent out search parties to check out three locations."

    "What does that mean?" I question, feeling very confused.

    "Paris, we did a lot of thinking and came to the conclusion that the people who took your mother own the watch store that's logo is the one scratched into the car door. The one that I showed you." He pauses for a second, allowing me to take it all in, then continues, "The company that owns the logo is called Designer Watches, or DW, like the logo represents. There are three locations across the city, and we sent out police officers to check them out. We are pretty positive that this may be it, but are still thinking that there is a lot more then we think behind this mystery."

    "So what do I do then? Just sit here and wait until they come back?"

    He sighs once again, "Well we thought you would want to be here when the news gets finalized, so yes. But if you need to go home-"

    "No it's fine. I'll be here." I take out my phone and start scrolling though my contacts looking for Margret.

    "What about your siblings?"

    I peek up from the screen to answer him; "I'm calling Margret right now to help me out with that. She'll understand." 

    With that my phone is against my ear and after about a minute of explaining everything to her, I hang up. Margret is on her way now, and I couldn't thank her enough.

    Roger Banks left when I called her, telling me to sit tight for a little while longer. So now I am, and hoping this chair won't make my butt ache in the near future.

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