[thirty one]

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[thirty one] "regrets and mistakes they are memories made." -Adele 

Paris' POV

"Can I please go now, Jace?"


"Oh common! Please?"

"Paris, no matter how many times you ask, the answer will always be no."

I sigh, blowing my side bands out of my eyes. It's been hours, and I haven't been let out of this chair once. Yes, they are kidnappers, so why would they let their bait run loose?

I'll tell you why: this bait's got to take a serious trip to the ladies room. A serious one.

"You can't expect me to sit here, and not ask to go pee! Like, wouldn't you have to?!" I scream at him.

He stands up out of the small chair a few feet across from me, "Why is holding your shit in so difficult?"

"Because it's not just any shit, my friend. It's a girl type." I smirk, knowing that guys are uncomfortable with that topic.

His face went sort of pale, so I continue, "You see, I have to go change it, before something nasty comes about. So when you ask me to hold it in, the cycle has something different in mind—"

"Okay enough! I get it, I get it!" He throws his hands in the air in frustration. I internally smile as he looks over at the other men, considering my reason to leave.

He looks back at me, "You can go, but . . ." Uh oh, there's a but, "I have to come with you, and the other men over there, are only a few feet away."

"Tell me it's a one person washroom." I say, wincing at the thought of Jace O'Conner standing right outside my stall.

"Does it matter?"


"Do you want to take a piss or not?" he says, bursting with annoyance.

I sigh, "Fine. Let's get this over with."

The two men untie my hands from the armrests, and Jace unties my feet. I stand up, and they immediately grab my arms.

"Wow, such a shame how much I can't be trusted by you guys." I tell them as we walk, following Jace.

There's a single file staircase, so we walk separately up it. The fact that there's so many stairs, tells me we were in a basement.

Good job Paris . . . now all you need to do is get hold of a phone, and call the police telling them you're in a basement.

Ha. Like that's going to happen. All I'm doing now, is going pee.

The men stay at the bottom of the last staircase. Jace comes all the way up with me, unlocking a one-person washroom.

"You're not coming in right?" I ask, before entering it.

He raises an eyebrow, "Do you want me to?"

I shrug, "Depends on how brave you are. It won't be a pretty sight, that's all I have to say."

He shivers. I'm surprised he's a tad clueless about period stuff . . . thought with all the girlfriends he's had, knowing about it would be obvious.

I close the door and turn around, leaning on the back of it. My hand finds its way to my heart and the beat calms me.

Thump, th-thump, th-thump . . .

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