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[ten] "sometimes I wonder of it was just a lie? If what we had was real how can you be fine? 'Cause I'm not fine at all" -5 seconds of summer

Aiden's house is smaller then mine—but not by much. It has two garages, and a nice porch with the usual welcome sign matt in front of the door.

    I never thought I would be here, or even be anywhere close to a boy's house. All these years I've passed my assignments with working on partnered projects at school with little contact outside of class. It took me by surprise when he invited me in, and the first thing I saw, was a little girl wearing two pigtails running towards us.

    "Aiden, Aiden, Aiden, Aiden!" she screams in delight and jumps into his arms, he holds her to the side and introduces me to her, "Oh, uh, Paris . . . this is Rosie, my little sister." He pauses and looks at Rosie, "Rosie, this is my friend from school, her name is Paris."

    "That's a weird name," Rosie says while playing with her pigtails.

    "Rosie!" Aiden exclaims, and puts her down.

    "That's okay, don't worry about it. I, uh, get that a lot." I say to Aiden.

    He smiles and leads me further into the house. I notice immediately the amount of paintings hung up on every bare wall.

    Aiden see's me notice this, "Those are my mums. She kind of has a thing for collecting art and displaying her favorite pieces,"

    "They're beautiful." I say as we enter his kitchen.

    The smell of cookies fills the air and a warm pleasant feeling run through my body.

    "Hi Mom," Aiden greets his mom, who I see is wearing an apron covered in flour. Trays and trays of cooked and uncooked chocolate chip cookies are laid on the counters, and I assume she's been at it for hours.

    She looks up and smiles big, "Hey. Sorry it's a big mess, I have this event coming—" she looks up and sees me, that smile never leaving her face, "Oh hello, who's this Aiden?"

    Aiden scratches the back of his neck and says, "This is Paris, Mum, we're working on a school project together. That okay?"

    "Of course! Nice to meet you Paris, lovely name by the way."

    "Thanks." I say.

    Aiden eyes the biscuits, "Yeah we're taking some, okay?" he says this to her like a statement: like he's said it and done it before.

    "Yup, cool with me. I think I made too much any way. You kids go get working." 

    Aiden leads me around the corner, into another room where there's a big table and six chairs.

    "We can work in here. It's the dinning room, also known as the unused room of the house."

    I laugh and place my bag on a chair, "Yeah I have one of those too,"

    "So I was thinking, maybe for the first part of the—"

    "Mom! I'm home!" A girls voice interrupts Aiden and he doesn't look too happy about it.

    "Who's that?" I ask.

    She walks into the room before he can answer my question. I don't recognize her, but I can tell she's in grade twelve.

    "Well what do we have here? A girl . . . in our house? Aiden you rebel!" she leans her hand on the back of his chair and faces me, chewing her gum dramatically.

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