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[thirty] "i'm in love with you and all your little things." -one direction

Aiden's POV

The amount of attention I'm getting right now is delirious. Yesterday was apparently a big deal, and now it's gotten all over school.

A month ago, I would be walking to class with my friends. We'd be marching through the halls with no hesitation. I remember being looked at in the way all guys would want. My best friend Asher nodded his head in the direction of a girl, thinking we're on the same page.

A month ago, I thought I was.

She would be at her locker—which was not too far from mine—with her head hanging low. Those wavy brown locks would dangle from her head, and every time I would see her, I wished she would pull them back.

When I reach my locker, no one is by my side like usual. The guys gave me some space since I need to "clear my head". Yesterday made me realize why going on dates with so many girls felt boring. Like there wasn't anything special about them. Sure a few have caught my eye more than others, but no in the way she caught it.

Oh no, her secretive behavior mad me ache for answers. But I was too reserved. Too shy. Too nervous that it wouldn't work. Man was I ever wrong.

I tilt my head to see if she's by her locker. She's not.

My phone reads two minutes to class, if anything she'd be there. I decide to hurry and go to find her. Last night all I could think about was her touch—the softness of her lips and how she owned only a few freckles on her nose. What a beautiful nose she has.

We have this class together with Mrs. Tuck. Lindsay's in it too. As I walk into the room, most of my classmates are already seated, leaving me no other place to sit, but next to her. Lindsay's movements are different today. There's no over confidence, no extra lip gloss in her pocket mirror, and no chatter amongst others. I want to say I feel bad for her, but I don't.

"Hey man." I turn my head and see Gavin—a guy from the team.

I nod my head in his direction, "Hey."

"So uh . . ." he starts, taking the seat next to me. "I wasn't at school yesterday. Mind telling me about you little," he leans in the whisper the last part. "scene with her."

I lean back in my chair, "Dude, don't start."

He chuckles, "What? I heard—"

"Tell me there aren't any stupid rumors."

"Well, from what I got, you totally bashed Lindsay and made out with that chick in the middle of the hallway, where everyone saw."

I scoff, "Yeah, that's exactly what happened."

He sits up, "Really!?"

I roll my eyes, "No Gav, Lindsay was being a bitch and Paris—which by the way is her name—only stood up for herself. And I came in to help."

"Then you kissed her."

"No she kissed me,"

"That's it?"

"Yeah, what else would we do in the middle of a freaking hallway?"

"Could've went to hide in a closet or something . . ."

I try to hold in my laughter as Mrs. Tuck enters the room, "Dude, seriously?"

"Hey, that's what I would've done."

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