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[nine] "there's nothing you can do that can't be done. Nothing you can sing that can't be sung" -the Beatles

 I decide to eat lunch in the cafeteria today. Normally it would be a big no, but for some reason I feel like changing my ways would be okay.

    There's a table on the far right where all the grade eleven's sit. It's smaller then the others, and no one really eats there because it's squished up against the wall. For the longest time it's been an abandoned table that only the people with no one to eat with go to sit. So naturally, I walk towards it, because I get there late, and most of the tables are already occupied.

    Heads look up as I scoot past tables to get there. I barely recognize some, but by accident I elbow a boy in the neck, and his face is familiar. The tables are so close together, that passing through is hard.

    He turns around and I see that it's Aiden. His eyes light up when I say sorry, but then I turn away quickly, not wanting to talk to him. I still feel his gaze along with many other people when I take a seat at the table.

    "Hi." A male voice I don't recognize greets me and I lift my head slightly to see whom it belongs to.

    "Um, hi?" I say, but it comes out more like a question. This makes him laugh.

    "You're a really perky one aren't you?" his blue eyes pierce into my brown ones and I'm left not knowing what to say to that.

    "Excuse me?"

    He runs his hand through his dark hair and continues, "I mean . . . you don't seem fond of seeing me."

    "What's that supposed to mean?" I say harshly. My eyes travel behind him and a group of grade twelve's are looking my way.  

    He doesn't answer me, instead, he sits to my left and leans on the table with his elbows.

    "I'm Jace, but I thought you already knew that."

    I scoot away a few inches, "Um, actually, I didn't. Why, are you some celebrity that everyone should automatically know the name of?"

    He says with a smirk, "Kinda."

    I scoff and break our eye contact.

    "See those girls over there?" he points to the group of twelve's that were looking at us, "They are just one of the groups of girls that adore me." Wow, someone's got a huge ego.

    "So why are you with me then?" I ask.

    He leans closer, but I back off the other way, " 'Cuz I wanted to ask you something."

    I decide that this guy is a douche bag and is probably just messing with me. So when I speak, it comes out hard and smooth, "Then ask me, lover boy."

    He looks at the table Aiden is sitting at, then back at me, "You know that guy?"

    I hesitate for a moment, then say, "Yeah . . . he's in one of my classes."

    "You guys, going out or something?"

    My eyes widen at his question, "I'm sorry what?"

    "Never mind." He stands up and is about to walk away, but looks down at me, "We'll talk again . . ." he points at me with a confused look, and I immediately realize he wants to know my name. So I tell him, "Paris."

   He nods then repeats what I said, "Paris." Before he walks off to the table of girls probably shocked with what they just saw, he sends me a wink.

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