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I want to say that the sorrowful day known as Friday March 15th will be forgotten, but I can't. Sometimes when I close my eyes, the darkness fades and I'm left reliving those horrendous moments. That night when I ran up my street only to find out my Father has been killed and my mother was missing, I thought that was it: my life was over.

Bad things happen. For some people, their battles can create wounds that will leave a permanent scar. For others, they will fly by like wind on a rainy day.

My dreams lay among the stars. They float around the universe, circling past over our heads. Maybe they'll come down to meet me again, but I don't desperately wish for that to happen anymore. No . . . I don't need to.

Mine used to be full of her. Every night I dreamt of myself standing up to Lindsay and making a fool out of her. I would make the whole school learn who she really is. I wanted so bad to beat her. So every morning I woke up, saying to myself that I would do it today. But of course, when the time came and the moment was right there . . . I backed out. It was like that for years.

Life is like a staircase: for some people, there are many stairs. However, some may have less than others. I haven't reached the top of my staircase yet, because my dear friends, the top is where God has his arms stretched out for you, ready to take you with him. At some point, those stairs get hard to climb. Your knees will begin to feel weak. Your legs will have pain that tells you to just stop, and give up. This is the moment where for me, I thought it had become too much to handle, so even when seeing another flight ahead of me, I wanted to breathe out one last word to end it all.

Once you hit that stair with such a strong impact, remember what's at the very top. For someone—it doesn't matter who—is waiting for you to keep going and say that you did it.

When my mother told me that some people come into your life as blessings, and others come in as lessons, I didn't understand at first.

Now I do.

And soon you will too. It's just realizing who's who that's tricky.

March 15th wasn't the day I found out why I was born, but it's sure as hell a day I will never forget.

But hey, maybe that's a good thing.


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