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[fifteen] "maybe I'm a lonely girl who's in the middle of something she doesn't really understand.           –Paul McCartney/Jem

The next two periods were okay. I had a class with Aiden so we discussed our assignment together since it's due in a week. Then after my last class I was just about to open my locker, Clarissa and Melanie came up to me. So now, here I am standing still, confused to why they are here.

"Hey Paris!" Melanie says cheerfully. She isn't wearing heels like Clarissa is, so we are about the same height, (okay maybe she's an inch taller than me)

"Um . . . hi?" I say back, closing my locker after getting my things.

"So what's up? We haven't like, talked since last Friday. You remember that night right?" Clarissa says.

Perfect. Just perfect . . . they had to remind me. Of course I remember that night! But then I think about how they don't know what happened after I left that diner.

"Yeah, we talked at the diner. I remember, it wasn't that long ago, Clarissa." I reply.

Melanie pops her gum, "So yeah, that was fun! You should totally have lunch with us tomorrow—"

"You mean with Lindsay?" I ask, now very curious with what's going on with them.

They look at each other, then back at me. Clarissa answers my question, "I mean, you guys do have some differences, but we can work them out—"

"No. No thanks guys, but I don't want to end up being her toy to play with and make fun of. Maybe another time when she doesn't exist anymore."

I start to walk away, but they catch up to me, "Paris, we know there's something going on with you and Aiden. We told you about Lindsay and her obsession with him. So why don't you come eat with us, we'll invite Aiden, he'll have to say yes if you come, and then Lindsay will go CRAZY!" Melanie says.

"Okay, hold on a minute. You want me to sit with you to make Lindsay jealous?"

They both nod, saying "Yeah" in sync.

"Pff, sorry to disappoint you, but Aiden doesn't like me."

Melanie scoffs, "OMG are you serious right now!?"

"Yeah, you should go get your eyes checked, 'cause from we and other people see, his eyes have been glued to you!" Clarissa adds.

"Please, you're probably making this up just to get me to sit with you and Lindsay. Then the next thing I know, I'm the laughing stock of lunch, just like in grade eight."

"Paris, come on, we are not making this up! This is legit right now . . . Aiden. Likes. You. Not Lindsay." Melanie says slowly.

"Wouldn't you want to see her face when she see's you two together?" Says Clarissa as she uses her hands to make it seem more dramatic.

I stay silent for a moment, then speak up, "Why does she want him?"

"Well, we don't know."

"Yeah, all she ever told us is that in eight grade he did something nice to her and she's had a crush on him ever since." Clarissa explains.

"I still don't understand how I can just sit with you guys and not be annoyed by it. I mean, you've been ignoring me, watching Lindsay tease me—help her even—and now all of the sudden you want to be 'besties' and help me get back at her?" I say louder then I wanted to. The halls are pretty much empty by now, so no one is staring.

"Look, we feel bad about all the things we did to you—" Melanie starts.

"Aubrey feels the same—" Clarissa cuts in.

"So we are trying to make it up to you. Take it or leave it: that's the choice we're giving you."

"I still don't get it . . ." I mumble to myself.

Melanie walks closer to me, "You will soon. There are a lot of things about Lindsay you haven't figured out yet. And maybe there's some stuff we still don't know too, but that's why we need you. She's got something against you, especially when Aiden's around. Lets take this opportunity to find out what the hell goes on in her head."

"I'll see. But this isn't a complete no, or complete yes either." I respond.

Clarissa speaks, "Doesn't matter. If you come to our table tomorrow, guarantee it'll be before Lindsay does, and we'll form a plan."

"But," Melanie cuts in, "if you don't, you'll be giving up this opportunity to set things straight with her. Admit it, Paris, you can't do this on your own."

With that they walk past me, Melanie's two-inch heels making a click noise as she steps on the tiles.

I wanted to be the one to leave them hanging, but I guess it's me who's utterly confused. This could end extremely well, with the plan working, or . . . it could make matters worse. I just don't know if I'm up for taking that risk.

* * *

Thank the lords it is warmer today. Seriously, I didn't even need to wear my extra coat and it's the middle of March. The middle of March! I don't know about you, but where I live, winter can get pretty cold and summer starts late.

I walk out of the school holding my coat that's slung over my arm, and with my backpack bouncing up and down slightly as I stroll. I hate having this time by myself because it forces me to think about stuff. It forces me to overthink about the situation with Melanie and Clarissa. Curse girls and their confusing/organized/overthinking brains.

I'm about to make a turn to get to the intersection, when I hear my name being called from behind. It's a boy—but not of any I'm familiar with.

"Hi," Jace O'Conner is now standing right in front of me, his dark hair swept to one side, and pants riding unattractively low.

I stiffen and say, "Hi,"

"So, um, what's up?" he holds the straps of his bag, and asks me this like he's done it a thousand times before.

"Since when do you want to know what's up?" I begin to continue walking; he follows me at my pace.

He shrugs, "I actually wanted to ask you something . . . how's your family doing?"

I stop immediately, "Excuse me?"

"Sorry, that sounded pretty random. I meant, how's life?"

Okay so now I'm officially worried and confused, "I'm leaving." I announce and shoot past him, but he catches my wrist.

"No. You're not."

"I'm sorry what?" I ask harshly.

"You know what, never mind." He lets go of my wrist dramatically and walks away. I stand there, confused out of my mind.

What on earth was he saying? Why would he care about my family?

Why is my life such a confusing mess?


Lyric video-Maybe I'm amazed by Paul McCartney, cover by Jem 

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