1. Dead body

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"Rayne? Are you awake? Rayne?!" Stiles calls in a whisper like voice from the door and pops his head into his sister's room to see her sleeping peacefully.

Stiles smiles at his sister and then walks into her room and goes up to her and pokes her arm and then he takes a deep breath.

"Wake Up! It's time for school!" He shouts and she wakes up and checks her phone.

"Stiles! It's the middle of the night! What is it?" She asks through her teeth as her brother looks at her with a gooffy smile.

"We going to look for a dead body in the woods." He says like it's obvious
"Why would we do that? And how you know?" She asks looking at him.

"I may or may not of heard dad saying about two joggers finding a dead body in the woods."
"Wait why are we going to find what's already been found?"

"That's the best part." The excitment is waverinng in his voice
"It's probably not but go on."
"They only found one half of the body." He says like Lydia Martin said 'hi' to him.

"How is the best part? I'm genuinely curious how it is."
"Well, probably not for them but please can you come with us." He begs
"Who's us?"
"I'm going to pick up Scott, he's not answering his phone."
"Fine. Let's go I'll get some of Scott's clothes." She says and he hugs her in excitement.


Rayne is on her phone texting someone in the back seats of the jeep waiting for Scott and Stiles to get back into the jeep, her phone lights up with a message and she looks at the message and smiles and is about to respond when she hears the doors open.

"Here you go." Scott says handing her his lacrosse hoodie and black sweat pants.

"Thanks, Scotty." She says and pats his cheek and takes her shoes off and puts the sweat pants over her shorts and put the hoodie over her shirt while Stiles drives and then goes on her phone replying to the message and she smiles and then looks up at Scott.

"You remembered you inhaler, right?" She asks and he turns to her and holds it up and she nods and goes back to her phone.


"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asks getting out the car and helping Rayne get out
"You're the one always bitching about that nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles says with his flashlight walking towards the woods as Rayne follows her brother.

"I was trying to get a goodnight's sleep before practice tomorrow." He says following them
"Right, cause sitting on the bench is sure a gruelling effort." Stiles replies and Rayne scoffs.

"You would know." And he shines the flashlight in her eyes
"No, because I'm playing this year, in fact, I'm making first line."
"Hey, that's the spirt. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one." Stiles laughs.

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