17. Coffee in a time of crisis

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Rayne's outfit

Rayne's outfit

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"You're back! Welcome, welcome." Rayne says hugging Isaac
"Thank you." He says
"I heard what happened with Jackson. Who's your next on the list?" She asks and he tenses up.

"Derek hasn't told us anything." He says
"Well, I'm gonna go see my brother. Bye." She says and walks away
"We are so dead." He groans and walks away.


"Okay, Stiles gave me the rundown last night also Derek tested Jackson to see if he's the Kanima." Rayne says as they walk to Chemistry
"We know, they're gonna test Lydia." Scott says
"What? Isaac said Derek never told them anything." She says.

"They're gonna kill her." Stiles panics
"Derek's not gonna kill her without proof." Scott says as they walk into the classroom
"All right, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where." Stiles asks.

"I think here and now." Scott says and they look to see Erica and Isaac and they race to sit next to Lydia and Rayne sits down on another table and Erica sits next to her and Isaac sits on another table.

"Einstein once said, 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity... And I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity. So, to combat the plague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments! Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or, in Stilinski's case, less than one." Harris says.

"Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with--" He stops when he sees all the boys raising their hands
"I didn't ask for volunteers. Put your hormonal hands little hands down."
"You all realise she's my girlfriend, right?" Rayne asks turning to see them as they slowly lower their hands.

"Erica, start with Mr. McCall. Alright, next two." He says.


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