21. Matt

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Rayne's outfit

Rayne's outfit

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"What is that?" Isaac asks looking at a box
"It's a triskele. The spirals mean different things-- past, present future; mother, father, child." Boyd says
"Do you know what it means to me?" Derek asks impressed.

"Alpha, Beta, Omega?" He guesses
"That's right. It's a spiral-- it reminds us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. Betas can become Alphas, but Alphas can also fall to Betas, or even Omegas." Derek says
"Like Scott?" Isaac asks.

"Scott's with us." Derek says
"Really? Then where is he now?" He asks
"He's looking for Jackson." Rayne says.

"Don't worry, he's not gonna have it easy tonight, either. None of us will. There's a price you pay for this kind of power. You get the ability to heal, but tonight, you're gonna want to kill anything you can find." Derek says holding up chains.

"Good thing I had my period last week, then." Erica says and all the boys tense and Rayne smiles
"Well, this one's for you." Derek says holding up a headband full of bolts.


"What if we break free?" Boyd asks
"Then you'll do anything you can to get out of here. Probably try to kill me, then kill each other, and kill anything else with a heartbeat." Derek says
"Why is Rayne here then?" Isaac asks.

"Because she's gonna try calm Erica. I need you to hold her." Derek says
"So, how come she gets to wear the headband?" Isaac asks
"Because she'll be able to withstand more pain than the two of you. I've got an extra one if you really want it." He says.

"I'll pass." Isaac says
"You ready?" He asks
"Yeah." She says and he puts it on and twists and Rayne holds her hand and her waist.


"How do you not feel this?" Isaac asks
"I feel every second of it." Derek says as he tightens the chains
"Then how do you control it?" He asks.

"Find an anchor, something meaningful to you. Bind yourself to it. Keep the human side in control."
Derek tells him
"What is it for you?"
"Anger. But it doesn't have to be that for everybody. Derek says.

"You mean Scott?" He asks
"Yeah." And tightens the chains one more time
"All right, that should do it." He says and then Isaac makes the seat leg break.

"Derek." Rayne says and he turns to see Erica and Boyd growling.


"You still think it's a good idea for me to be here?" Rayne asks crossing her arms as Derek gets off the phone and then he goes back to the train and then Isaac jumps out the window and then runs back in.

Then Rayne walks onto the train to see Erica groaning and then she slowly walks to her
"E, it's me your loving girlfriend, the one you love." She says and then crouches down to her and touches her face as she snarls and she continues to and then she changes back.

"Good job." She says and hugs her
"Looks like my theory was right." Derek says and Rayne flips him off.


"Matt? As in the photo kid, Matt?" Rayne asks over the phone
"Yes, come to the station, now." Stiles says
"Fine." She says and then looks at Erica asleep on her lap.

"I need to go, okay." She says and she stands up and walks out the train and then gets into the her car and drives.


She parks up and walks to the door and opens it to see Scott standing there with Matt holding a gun
"What the fuck?" She asks
"Walk in." Matt says and then she walks in and takes her by the arm and pushes her into the cell.

"Now, give me your phone or I put a bullet through your skull." Matt says and she hands him the phone and leaves then Rayne reaches her hand out to her dad and he reaches to her.

"You okay?" She asks
"I'm fine, how are you?" He asks
"Probably the worst time to tell but I told Erica I loved her." She smiles and he rubs the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Good for you." He smiles then they hear a gunshot and she jumps and pulls away.


"What's happening?" Acalia asks with tears down her face as the sound of gunshots
"We're going to be fine." Her father says
"Stay in the corner and breathe and it will be all over, don't let anyone see your fear." He says and she nods and he stands up and she walks to the corner and slides down as he leaves and more gunshots went off.


"Rayne?" She snaps out of her thoughts to see Melissa and she hugs her
"Are you okay? I heard gunshots." She says
"Scott was shot." Melissa says and begins to cry and Rayne hugs her tight and then the lights go off and gunshots erupt and Rayne begins to hyperventilate.

"Rayne? Rayne what's happening?" Melissa asks and she begins to back away to the corner
"I can't breathe, it-it's happened before." She shakes her head and then Melissa hugs her
"You're alright, tell me about Erica." She says.

"We told each other that we loved one another." Rayne says and Melissa smiles
"Really? That must be exciting? Have you to..." She asks and Rayne shakes her head
"No, not yet." She says.

"I'm still here." Her father says and they both laugh he breaks free and then Matt knocks him unconscious and then they hear growling and see Derek in werewolf form and then the Kanima and then it goes near the cell and Melissa holds on to Rayne.

Then they see Scott on the ground
"Scott?" Melissa calls and then he turns to show his face and she gasps and backs away while holding Rayne's hand as she looks at Scott apologetically.

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