30. Adoption

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Rayne goes to punch Aiden in the face when he grabs her arm and spins her so her back is against his chest
"You're getting better." He says.

"Shut the fuck up." She says and stomps on his foot and he lets go of her
"Listen, you need to train. So, you're gonna have to deal with me." He says
"I would rather train with Kali." She says.

"Well you can't." He says and tries to kick her but she moves and punches his chest
"Well, I'm going home because this is pointless and I am very stubborn." She says and walks away and he rushes after her.

"We need to talk about what happened." He says stopping the elevator
"What do we need to talk about? The fact that I am an assignment, I was lied to my entire life and the fact you are a persistent little fucker who won't let me leave." She says and goes to hit the button but he stops her.

"You weren't just an assignment, sure at the beginning Lydia was but I chose you."
"Because I was closer to Scott and Deucalion's daughter." She says
"No, because the moment I saw you I felt something I have never felt with anyone." Aiden says.

"When did you first see me? In Erica's locket?"
"I didn't kill her. Kali did." He says
"How do I know you are not gonna kill one of my friends. I will not betray my friends." She says.

"I know you won't. I just want you to know that I like you. Like really like you. To the point where I can't think about anything else without thinking of you."
"You sound pretty whipped to me." She says and he chuckles.

"You could say that."


"Hi, dad." Rayne says walking through the door
"Hi, sweetie." He says
"Can I talk to you?" She asks and he nods and they both sit on the couch.

"I love you so much. I am so thankful for everything you've done for me."
"I know you are. Why are you saying this?" He asks
"Because the accident I had. I remember everything and I know I adopted." She says and he looks at her and gets up and gets something out of a locked drawer and hands it to her.

"This is the adoption papers. Your moth- Claudia always wanted to have a little girl and a little boy and Stiles always wanted to be a brother for someone besides Scott. She named you Rayneya and once we signed the papers you were a Stilinski."

"I never thought of you anything less than my daughter." He says
"Even though I now that I remember, I still think of you as my dad and nothing less." She says with tears in her eyes
"I love you." He says and wraps his arms around her.

"I love you too."
"Dad, how are we gonna tell Stiles?" She asks
"I don't know." He shakes his head

"I don't know."


"Rayne! Rayne! You are not gonna believe the night we had." Stiles says stumbling though the door to see her and her father sitting down waiting for him
"Oh shit, what's happening?" He asks
"Sit down, please." His father says and he does.

"So, what's wrong?" He says patting his legs
"I need to tell you something, it might shock you but I don't want to keep it from you." She says and he nods
"I'm adopted." She says and he looks at her.

"What? All the times I said you were adopted when ever you would annoy me I was right?" He asks and she rolls her eyes
"Yes. The accident. I remember it all. Who I was before." She says
"You're not leaving right?" He asks and she shakes her head.

"No, here's the adoption papers. They were in the locked drawer." Rayne says
"The drawer we nearly destroyed with a crowbar?" Stiles and she nods
"We would have been so screwed if we did." She says.

"When was this?" Their father asks
"We try once a year, usually Halloween or the 4th of July since your the most busy." They say and he shakes his head.

"Wow, so what's your real name?" He asks
"Acalia." She replies and he covers his mouth from his father with the papers
"Like a werewolf?" He mouths and she nods.

"Cool, cool, cool." He says
"Well, I still love you. I am calling you Rayne till the day I die. And you are my twin either way." He says and she smiles and hugs him.

"I love you too." She says and they turn to their dad
"Come on." They say and he rolls his eyes and hugs them and kisses both of their heads
"I love you two." He says.

"We love you too."

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