26. Wingwoman

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Rayne's outfit

Rayne's outfit

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"So, there's an alpha pack?" Rayne asks
"Yep we are so screwed." Stiles says and Rayne nods
"Good to know." She says and then they sit down in their seats.

"The stock market is based on two principles-- what are they?" Coach asks and Scott raises his hand
"Yes, McCall, you can go to the bathroom. Anybody else?"
"Uh, no, Coach-- I know the answer." Scott says and then Coach laughs and then looks at him again.

"Oh, you're serious." He says
"Yes. Risk and reward." Scott says and Rayne smiles
"Wow! Who are you? And what have you done with McCall? Don't answer that! I like you better! I like you better!" Coach says.

"Does anybody have a quarter?" He asks the class
"A quarter... yep!" Stiles says and a XXL condom falls out his pocket
"Stilinski, I think you, uh... You dropped this." Coach says handing it to him.

"And congratulations!" He says and Rayne leans forward
"I told you not to do anything I would." She teases and then leans back
"Risk and reward! Put the quarter in the mug, win the reward! Okay, watch Coach. That's how you do it!" Coach says throwing the quarter into the mug.

"Okay, Danny... Risk? Reward?"
"What's the reward?" Danny questions
"You don't have to take the pop quiz tomorrow." He says.

"Coach, it's not a pop quiz if you tell us about it..." Danny asks
"Danny, you know, I really expect more from you at this point. Really.
"McCall! Risk. Reward. The risk: if you don't put that quarter in the mug, you have to take the pop-- the, the quiz. And-and you have to write an essay! Risk-- more work. Reward-- no work at all. Or, choose not to play." Coach says.

"But isn't this just chance?" Scott says
"No! You know your abilities, your coordination, your focus, past experience... All factors affecting the outcome. So, what's it gonna be, McCall? More work, no work, or choose not to play?" He asks
"No play." Scott finally says.

"Okay, who's next? Who wants the quarter? There ya go! There's a gamblin' man! Come on! Step up, step up!" Coach says as Stiles pats his book with his hands and stands up
"All right, Stilinski!" Coach cheers
"Stiles..." His father says standing at the door
"Yeah, Coach, I got it--" Stiles says trying to concentrate.

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