13. Lydia

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"Dad!" Acalia squeals as she jumps into his arms
"Hi, sweetheart. Today's a very special day." He says and his daughter looked confused
"We are going to make peace." He says.


Acalia ran out from the forest to see a man over her father while stabbing his eyes with arrows, the girl screamed with tears falling down her face.


Rayne woke up panting, she must of fell asleep while studying, she then jumped when a horn beeped outside and she peered out her window to see her brother waving to her for her to come down and she quickly raced down the stairs to outside.

"What?" She asks
"We need to go find Lydia." He says
"You mean like you lost her! She's not a cat that leaves one day and then shows up the next again with a dead bird on the patio." Rayne rambles

"Which is why we need to go find her, so get your ass in the jeep now." Stiles says and she nods and gets into the jeep.


"She came here? You sure?" Stiles asks as they walk to the hale house
"Yeah, this is where the sent leads."
"All right, but has Lydia ever been here?" Stiles asks.

"Not with me." Rayne and Allison say and Rayne helps Stiles look as Allison and Scott talk
"Hey, look at this. I think it's a tripwire." Stiles says and pulls on it
"Stiles." Scott says.

"Yeah, buddy?" Stiles asks and they turn to see Scott hanging upside down and Rayne takes a photo
"Next time you see a tripwire don't trip it." Scott says
"Yeah, noted." He says and they all walk towards Scott when he stops them.

"Someone's coming, hide. Go!" He says and they all hide while Scott talks to Chris Argent
"You okay?" Allison asks as they walk back to him once they are gone
"It's just another life-threatening conversation with your dad." Scott says.

"Guys, help me with this." Allison says and they walk toward the thing that hold the wire
"Thanks but I think I got it." Scott says and they turn to see him completely fine and not hanging upside down
"Coming?" Scott asks as he starts to walk.

"Show off." Rayne scoffs.

"Thought of a name yet?" She asks Allison
"Rarica. Perfect ship name." Allison says and Rayne laughs.
"Rarica it is."


Rayne's outfit

Rayne's outfit

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"She ate the liver?" Scott asks
"No I didn't say she ate it, I just said it was missing." Stiles says
"And you know what? Even if she did, so what? It's the most nutritious part of the body." He says.

"Scotty never ate a liver." Rayne points out
"Well, he's not the ideal role model of self-control." Stiles says
"Yeah but he's the test case of this, we have to trace back of what he did." Rayne says and Stiles nods and he turns to Scott.

"What was going through your mind when you were turning? What were you drawn to?" Stiles asks
"Allison." He says and they all look at him
"Really? Nothing else? Seriously?" They ask
"Nothing else mattered." Scott says.

"Wow, you are whipped." Rayne tells him.

"But hey the night when Lydia got bit she was with you." Scott says
"Yeah but she was looking for Jackson." Stiles sighs and right when he said that Jackson pulled up.

"I hate that Jackass." Rayne says.


"Lets go! I have an announcement, gather round. Quicker! Danny put a shirt on." Coach says
"No, let him be." Rayne protests with a pout while hugging Danny as he chuckles
"The police are asking for help on a missing child advisory, it's a sick girl, roaming around, totally naked." He says and the players whistles.

"You guys are pervs how do you know her age?" Rayne asks and everyone quietens down
"Now, it's supposed to get below 40 degrees tonight, I don't know about you, but the last time it was that cold and I was running around naked. I lost a testicle to exposure." Coach says.

"TMI Coach, TMI." Rayne says
"Now I don't want the same thing happening to some innocent girl. So police are organising search parties for tonight. Sign up, find the missing girl, you get an automatic A in my class." Coach says and they cheer.

Rayne walks up to Isaac and leans on the locker beside him
"Hey, I heard what happened last night. I'm sorry that must have been pretty traumatising." She says
"Yeah it was." He says quietly.

"Wanna hug?" She asks and he nods and she hugs him
"Thank you that made me feel better." Isaac says
"Well, what are friends for? I'll be at your table for lunch." Rayne says
"You don't have to."

"I do I don't just hang out with my brother and Scott. Besides I really want to see Erica." Rayne whispers and he chuckles with a nod.


"So, how are ya matchmaker?" Rayne asks Boyd
"I'm good now that I brought you two together." He says and Rayne laughs as she hold Erica's hand under the table
"Well, thank you." She says.

When Isaac and Boyd are talking to each other Rayne turns to her girlfriend
"You okay?" She asks
"Yeah. Better that you're here." Erica says and puts her head on Rayne's shoulder and Rayne turns her head to give Erica a little kiss on the head.

"Okay, I'm glad we've past the 'Rayne flirts, Erica blushes' era but I didn't know we had to witness PDA." Isaac says and Rayne flips him off
"Get used to it." She says and Erica blushes
"See what we mean?" Boyd asks.

"Well, I found out my brother has detention so I need a ride."
"You can come to mine, I usually go with Boyd." Erica says
"Sure if that's alright, Boyd?" Rayne asks.

"Anything for the lovebirds." He says
"That's what I'm talking about Vernon." She says and high fives him.


Rayne and Erica were watching The Walking Dead when Rayne got a call from her brother
"Yeah? Slow down. Really? Really! Okay bye." Rayne asks and Erica looks at her
"What is it?" She asks.

"They found Lyds!" Rayne cheers and Erica smiles
"Go see her." She softly says and Rayne stops
"What?" Rayne asks.

"Go see her, you've been shaken up, I noticed your leg bouncing like crazy. Go." Erica says and Rayne kisses her
"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow." Rayne says
"You better." Erica says and pecks Rayne lips


"Hi, Lyds." Rayne says hugging her friend as Lydia clings on to her and then whispers only two words that only Rayne can hear.

"Help me."

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