9. Miguel

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🪐Rayne's outfit

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Rayne's outfit

🪐Rayne's outfit

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"So, you need a necklace that Allison has because her family are hunters?" Rayne asks
"Yeah, this bus gonna be impossible, you know." Scott says to Stiles
"Why don't you just ask her if you can borrow it?" Stiles says.

"It's easy. You just say 'Hey, Allison, can I borrow your necklace to see if there's anything on it or in it that can lead me to an alpha werewolf that I need to kill in order to get back together with you...'" Stiles says
"You're not helping." Scott says.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" Rayne asks
"She won't talk to me. What if she like only takes it off in the shower or something?" Scott says and then zones out.

"That's why you ease..that's why you ease back into it, okay? Get back on her good side, remind her of the good times and then you ask for the necklace." Stiles says and Rayne hits the back of Scott's head
"Stop thinking about her in the shower." She says
"Sorry." He says.

"Stay focused. Get the necklace, get the alpha, get cured, get Allison back. All in that order." Stiles says and they go their separate ways.


"Did you get the necklace?" Rayne says as she sat down
"Nope." He says
"Steal it." Rayne says
"That's what I'm saying." Stiles says.


"Stiles, it's your first game." Rayne says and sits on his bed and then turns and screams
"Fucking hale." She says clutching to her chest.

"Hey, Rayne." Stiles says
"Wanna explain your friend?" She asks motioning to Derek
"No, speaking of friends can you call Danny?" Stiles asks.

"Why?" Rayne asks
"So we can trace the text."
"No." Rayne says
"What? Why?"
"He's not getting involved, he already has his nose broke by the idiot we call our friend." She says.

"I'll do Just Dance with you." He says.

"Fine." She says.


"You want me to do what?" Danny asks
"Trace a text."
"I came here to hang out with Ray."
"And you will once you trace the text."

"And what makes you think I know how?"
"I looked up your arrest report, so..."
"I was 13 they dropped the charges. No, I am hanging out with Ray." He says
"Danny please." Rayne says and Danny looks behind her.

"Who's he?"
"Our cousin. Miguel." Stiles says
"Is that blood on his shirt?" Danny asks
"Yeah he get's awful nose bleeds." Rayne says.

"Miguel why don't you borrow one of Stiles' shirts." She says and he walks to the drawers and then she gets a text
"I gotta go. Love you both." She says
"You're leaving me? With him?" Danny asks pointing at Stiles.


"You two need to bond. You know bond. I don't know what the fuck I'm saying." She says
"You owe me." He says and she kisses his cheek
"Yeah I do."

"Don't kill each other."


"You trace the text?" Rayne asks Danny as he walks into her room
"Yeah." He says
"Your cousin is really hot." He says
"Thank you?"

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