18. Clubbing

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"I am here. I am sorry I'm late, studying." Rayne says throwing her hands up and wraps around Danny who turns to see his ex and Rayne looks at the bartender and motions to Danny as he gives her a drink
"You're better off without him." He says.

"Still doesn't feel good..." Danny says
"You know what will feel good? That guy." The bartender says and Rayne turns to see a guy without a shirt
"Go, I'll be fine, girlfriend remember." She says and he walks over to him.

"Two beers." Stiles says and Rayne nearly chokes
"IDs?" The bartender asks and they show him the IDs
"How 'bout two Cokes?" He says.

"Rum and Coke? Sure!" Stiles says and he looks at him
"Coke's fine, actually. I'm driving, anyway." He says and Rayne walks to over to their side
"What the fuck are you two doing here?" She asks.

"Jackson's here." Scott says
"I knew there was something about him." She nods
"No, I mean in his lizard form." Stiles says.

"Oh." She says.

"That one's paid for." Another bartender says to Scott and they look to see a guy holding up his drink and Scott smiles
"Oh, shut up." Stiles says
"I didn't say anything..." He says still smiling.

"Yeah, well, your face did." Stiles says and they look to the dance floor
"Hey, I found Danny." He says
"I found Jackson." Scott says looking up.

"Really? Danny? Why Danny?" Rayne asks
"Get Danny." Scott says
"What are you gonna do?" Stiles asks and Scott flicks his claws.

"Works for me." Rayne says and drags Stiles to the dance floor
"Danny! Danny! Danny." They shout moving through people and smoke fills the room and people start to fall
"Danny!" Rayne shouts and people start to back away and scream as she runs to him.


"Danny!" Scott says as Danny lays on a stretcher with Rayne holding his hand
"McCall, what are you doing here?" He asks
"Just, uh, seeing if you're okay... And, um... I'm wondering if anything weird happened to you today. Besides being paralyzed from the neck down." Scott says.

"Sorry, but we need to get him to the hospital." The paramedic says
"One more question. Just one. Are you okay?" Scott asks
"Did it happen to my ex, too?" Danny asks.

"Yeah." Scott answers
"Then I'm great." He smiles nostalgically
"I'll meet you at the hospital." Rayne says kissing his hand and stepping into the jeep and puts Jackson's head on her lap.

"Couldn't get anything out of Danny..." Scott says
"Okay, can we just get the hell out of here now, before one of our dad's deputies sees us?" Stiles says and then their dad parks up
"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Could this get any worse?" He asks and Jackson groans.

"That was rhetorical." Stiles says
"Get rid of him." Scott says
"Get rid of him? We're at a crime scene, and he's the Sheriff!" Rayne says.

"Do something!"
"Well, I'm going to ask if I can get a ride to the hospital so bye." Rayne says
"Wait!" Stiles says.


"Hey." Stiles says
"What are you doing here?" Their father asks Stiles
"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I understand why Rayne is here but not you." He says
"What do you mean, 'not me'? It's a club. It's a club. We were clubbing, you know... At the club." Stiles rambles
"Not exactly your type of club..." Their father says.

"Uh, well, Dad, there's a conversation that we--" Stiles begins to say
"You're not gay!" He cuts him off
"Wha...? I could be!" Stiles says offended.

"Not dressed like that." He scoffs
"Gay? No. Bisexual? Probably." Rayne says
"Well, what's, uh..." Stiles stumbles over his words.

"This is the second crime scene that you just happened to have shown up on. And, at this point, I've been fed so many lies, I'm not sure I know the kid standing in front of me." His father says.

"Dad, I took him to the club because I was here for Danny because he broke up with his boyfriend and I needed a ride and I had packed extra clothes in the jeep. We both know Stiles only has 2 friends so I decided to let him have fun and see drag queens because you haven't lived if you haven't seen them." Rayne says.

"Which is why I'm going to go into that ambulance." She says and walks into the ambulance.


"Hi, I am here to see Danny Mahealani, I was in the ambulance with him, I brought some stuff for him, I got told his room changed." Rayne says
"Are you family?" The receptionist asks
"No, but very close like sister close." She says.

"I can't let you in visiting hours are over." The receptionist
"Rayne?" Melissa asks and she turns around
"I also brought dinner for Melissa McCall." Rayne smiles and hugs her.

"Help me get to Danny." She whispers
"She can go to him she's the only family he has even if it's not by blood." Melissa says and the receptionist nods and they walk to his door
"Sob story, I like it. Go McCall." Rayne says and walks into the room.

"Okay, I brought, cards, laptop, extra clothes and toiletries." She says putting down the bag
"Thanks." He says
"No problemo." She says and sits down on the chair and holds his hand.

"I'm glad you're okay." She says
"I'm glad my ex got karma." Danny says and she laughs
"That's right." She says.


The next day

"You sure everything's okay between you and Jackson?" Scott asks as Danny checks his wallet
"Yeah, everything's fine. Did the cops have to take my fake ID?" He says
"You didn't do anything to make him angry?" Scott asks.

"How angry?" Danny asks changing
"On a scale of one to ten-- one being 'kind of irritated,' and ten, 'wanting to kill you, violently.'"
"Jackson's kind of always at a four, but we're good. I was actually doing him a favour." Danny chuckles.

"What favour?" Rayne asks
"I was recovering a video for him. I put it on my tablet... which is in the trunk of my car, and probably still at the club." Danny says
"What was on the video?" Rayne asks grimacing a bit.

"I'm not really supposed to say..." Danny trails off
"Danny, what if I told you this could be a matter or life and death?" Scott says"I'm not supposed to say..." He says hesitant.

"Okay... What if I told you you can get your fake ID back?" Rayne says and Danny looks up at her
"Deal. But you can't tell anyone." He says
"I won't tell a soul." She says.

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