11. May Barnes

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September 7th, 2022 7:30 pm

The Movies:

I waited patiently for Jace to come and pick me up as I looked at myself in the mirror making sure I looked good. I'd never checked myself out this much, especially not to impress a guy but I felt good doing it though. I liked the way I looked and I liked that he liked the way I looked. I knew I was a very pretty girl but it's different when someone else finds you pretty, at least for me it was. It gave me a good feeling that I was being noticed by someone.

I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I wasn't craving the attention but when it was given to me it made me feel happy that someone noticed the effort I put in. I ran my hand through my hair when my doorbell rang and I went to answer it. I opened the door and it revealed Jace standing there once again with a bouquet in his hands. On every date we've been on so far he's brought a bouquet of different flowers. I smiled brightly and went to replace the old flowers with the new ones. We walked out of the door and to Jace's car.

"You look gorgeous," Jace said, glancing at me. I smiled sweetly and put my head down, my hair shielding the blush spreading on my cheeks turning them light pink.

"Thank you," I said. I still wasn't used to the compliments. I didn't know if it was because I really hoped that he liked my outfit and he did or if I just didn't get complimented that often and so when I did it made me feel a little awkward. It could be either one but I was happy regardless.

The whole way to the movie theater we listened to music and sang along to the words while laughing with each other. We were comfortable with each other and it created a great atmosphere. There were no bad vibes, no pressure, just two people enjoying each other's company.

Jace got out of the car and went around opening the door for me and I smiled at him while shaking my head. I learned to just wait for him to open the door. The one time I got out of the car by myself he made me get back in so he could open it for me. We laughed about it but now I just let him open the door for me without any problem. He opened the movie theater doors and I walked inside with him following behind me and we walked over to the register to get some snacks.

I wasn't very big on sweets so I grabbed a bag of sour patch kids and waited for Jace. We got some popcorn and something to drink before heading towards the theater we were supposed to be in. We decided to get seats in the back so we didn't have to crane our heads up so much. In the back, it was easier to see the giant screen anyway. The previews were still going so we had a lot of time to just sit and talk to each other.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to meet my sister one of these days," I said casually. Jace looked at me and for a moment there was slight fear in his eyes before he relaxed as he thought about it more. "Just your sister?" he asked.

"For now, yeah. I mean you don't have to if you're not ready it was just a suggestion,"

"No, no meeting your sister is fine. I was just worried, you did say your sister was a cop. What if she doesn't like me?" That made me pause. Morana had never voiced dislike for any of my boyfriends before and in my eyes, Jace was one of the sweetest boys I'd ever been with. He was way better than all the other guys I dated so why would Morana dislike Jace but not all the others? "I think you'll be fine," I chuckled.

"Ok, if you say so but if she shoots me I will never speak to you again because you said I'd be fine," he joked.

I laughed and shook my head. I grabbed a handful of popcorn and began eating it as the movie began to play. I was enjoying myself throughout the entire movie. It was really funny but also had a lot of action.

The movie in itself was just great. We walked out of the movie theater an hour and a half later and talked about how good it was. Honestly going in we didn't think the movie would be that great. "And when he was falling from that building I surely thought he was gonna die," I laughed.

"I did too but then I had to remember myself he has plot armor," Jace shook his head an amused smile on his face.

"Oh man, that movie has me amped up. I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight,"

"I definitely will. Action movies aren't really my thing,"

"Then what kind of movies do you prefer?" I asked then I gasped as my eyes went round a burst of laughter bubbled out of me. "Oh my god, do you like chick flicks and romance and all that sappy stuff?" I was just teasing.

"No," Jace laughed as we stood by his car. "I prefer horror movies. I like the thrill,"

"Horror movies are okay. I don't really like being scared," I said. The only time I ever really watch horror movies is when I'm with a group of friends or family. I could never watch them by myself.

"What? That's the best part. I usually laugh at myself when a jumpscare gets me,"

"I'm usually paranoid after the movie and unable to sleep unless I watch something happy-go-lucky like my little pony or something,"

He laughed at my confession and I smiled brightly. He opened the door for me and I got in. He closed the door and went around to his side. He got inside the car and started the ignition before peeling off towards my house. It wasn't that long of a drive and we just talked about random things once again. His car slowed down as we reached my house and I was honestly sad. I didn't want this day to end. I looked at Jace and seemed just as sad as I was.

"See you tomorrow?" I ask.

"See you tomorrow," he smiled.

I leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. I pulled back and smiled at the light tint on his cheeks and got out of the car. I walked towards my front door and looked back to see Jace sitting there waiting for me to safely get inside.

I unlocked the door and walked inside closing the door behind me and locking it. I went to my living room window and waved at him. I know he saw it because he flashed his headlights before driving off. I dreamy sigh left my lips as I made my way upstairs and got ready to take a shower. Today was awesome.

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