14. Morana Barnes

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September 8th, 2022 5:46 am


We waited for hours as Logan tried to figure out who that hoodie and pants belong to. It obviously belongs to a man but we were hoping he had some kind of DNA on it like a strand of hair or even dirt that could tell us where he's been. I called Chaset almost immediately after that lady came in.

When I asked her if she touched any of the clothes she said she didn't and that she used a trash grabber to pick them up and put them in the bag. She was careful not to contaminate it and I was happy.

I don't know what this means or where this will lead but I'm beyond excited and a little nervous. I'm hoping that something on that hoodie or those pants will steer us in the direction of our killer.

"What do you think?" I asked Chaset. She hasn't said much about what I told her and I wasn't sure what she thought about it.

"I don't know Barnes. Isn't kinda suspicious how our killer strikes and she comes in here with bloodied clothes saying she thinks she ran into our killer. On top of that, she says she didn't get a clear look at his face,"

"I don't know Chaset. Something tells me this can be good for us. Plus she's with the sketch artist right now. They're drawing up something over there. Plus we can ask her about it more once she's finished. I just hope Logan comes back with some good news,"

"We'll see. Don't get your hopes up."

We waited patiently and soon enough our witness was done with her police sketch. I stared down at the drawing and furrowed my eyebrows. She was only able to describe his side profile. He had what seemed to be a high-top fade, a straight aquiline nose, thin lips that seemed to curve downward naturally, somewhat bushy flat angled eyebrows, and his eyes.

They were the only thing colored in and they resembled a light blue, aurora blue to be exact. His jawline was oval-shaped and he seemed familiar. I looked back at our witness as she stood there awkwardly.

"What made you want to see what he was doing in that run-down building?" I couldn't help but ask.

"The way he acted. He was paranoid and jumpy. When he saw me, he immediately tried to duck his head down. I couldn't see his whole face but I was able to see his eyes just before all I could see was the side of his face. I asked if was he okay and he said 'i'm fine' but it sounded off. His voice was shaky and before I could say anything else he scurried off. It made a pit form in my stomach so I went inside just to make sure no one else was in there and that's when I saw the clothes,"

"Did you get a good look at what he was wearing?"

"No, I didn't. I was too busy trying to see his face but I do remember that he had on a white t-shirt,"

"Ok, thank you for your time. You've been a tremendous help,"

"No problem." The lady was escorted out and I turned to Chaset who was holding the picture in her hands, studying it. Her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and then she looked up at me with her head tilted to the side.

"Doesn't he look familiar?" she asked.

"I thought the same thing," we pondered it for a few seconds where we might have seen someone of this depiction before when Logan came in. He had a small smile on his face and I knew then that we'd made some kind of progress.

We followed him toward his lab and waited patiently for him to explain what he found.

"So, after doing all the tests I possibly can I found out two things. One this jacket definitely belongs to our killer seeing as it has both Sydney Riker's and Jason Lang's blood along with our newest victim Lisa Norway. As far as the dirt, that's gonna be a little harder considering dust from the abandoned building is littered on the pieces of clothing. The pants have blood only from Lisa. The second thing I found was strands of hair. Unfortunately at the moment, I am unable to find out who they belong to but if I keep working on it I should have something for you,"

"Oh my god, I so owe Logan," I say as I sigh of relief passes my lips. We're getting somewhere.

"I'm just doing my job," he smiled.

"Ok well while you get on that we'll keep trying to see what else we can find. Maybe talk to some of our witnesses again and see if they can remember anything. Their minds probably blocked out certain details. We'll also go back to the scene of the crime and see if we can find anything, maybe something was missed due to how dark it was," Chaset said.

"Ok then. Well, get going. Call us immediately when you figure it out,"

"Will do." Logan replied. Chaset and I set off and I felt great. We were getting somewhere. We were moving forward.

Morana Barnes: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now