38. May Barnes

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December 13th, 2022 11:45 pm

Strange Disappearance, Strange Actions:

"I guess you can say we're one step closer to reconciling and putting the past behind us," I commented as I took another forkful of the takeout we bought.

"See it was good that you went to that dinner,"

"Yeah, I guess so. How come you never talk about your family?" It was a simple question. A genuine one.

"Because my family, is long gone. Everyone's either dead or disappeared off the face of the earth,"

"Oh, I'm sorry,"

"Nah it's okay. I came to peace with it a long time ago. There was never any reason for me to dwell on any of it because I couldn't change. I'm alone in this world, or well, was alone. Now I have you, so everything worked out just fine,"

A smile crept onto my lips as my face heated up. "Stop it!" I laughed. "You're making me blush,"

He laughed at me and we continued eating and talking. It's all we've been doing all day. Talking, watching movies, playing board games, working on school stuff, napping...the list could go on.

I never seemed to be bored when hanging out with Jace. Even if we did the same things over and over again, somehow it always felt new. Always felt like brand-new memories were being made. I got up and threw away my and Jace's trash as he put on a late-night movie. Nothing scary because I wouldn't be able to handle it. Nightmares would plague me and I'd be paranoid the entire night.

December 14th, 2022 4:38 am

When I awoke I was alone. The place beside me was empty. I sat up and looked around in the dark room, my eyes squinting trying to make out any shapes. Nothing. I took the blanket off me and let my legs hit the cold floor as I tried to gather my scattered thoughts. "Jace?" I called.

As I spoke his name a pang hit my stomach. It was uncomfortable and made me feel wary. I stood up walked out of the room and straight toward the living room which was connected to the kitchen. No one. It was odd for him to leave the house at this type of hour. What could he have gone to do?

The sound of banging on the door caused me to jump out of my skin as my heart rate skyrocketed and I nearly dropped to my knees. That feeling in my stomach intensified and it knocked the breath out of me as my entire body shook from the fright and the unpleasant feeling. I stood up and gained my bearings before slowly making my way to the door. "Who is it?" I asked shakily.

"May, it's me. Open the door," I recognized Jace's voice immediately even if it did sound...odd. His tone was off like he was panicking about something. I opened the door and he zoomed in. I closed the door warily, that feeling in my stomach not leaving me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, everything's fine," he breathed out. I wasn't convinced. He sounded like he was out of breath and in pain.

"Where did you go? Why did you leave at such a...ungodly hour?"

"I-" he paused. My face dropped more and my eyes set into a harsh glare as the thought that he was about to lie to me set in. "I went out for some fresh air," it didn't sound like he believed his lie either.

"Jace, are you serious right now?" I let my hurt about the small white lie show in my voice. He turned to me, staring at me and he realized his mistake.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just...I know it looks suspicious. Me leaving so early like that I just..." he didn't know what to say.

I looked over his attire and felt my eyes water. I wasn't sure why. It was a strange reaction to whatever was happening at the moment. I was so confused and unsure about the whole situation. He pulled me into a hug, tensing up and letting out a shaky breath.

"Are you okay? You seem like you're hurt. Did something-"

"I'm fine," he harshly cut me off. I flinched, pulling back from him. My eyes were wide in shock. What the hell was going on? "I'm fine," he said more softly this time.

I didn't believe him. He walked me to the bedroom and I glanced at him every second trying to figure out the cause of his odd behaviors. Something wasn't right and my thoughts only started to be further proved the deeper that awful feeling sunk into me. Something was very wrong here.

Morana Barnes: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now