31. Unknown/Morana Barnes

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November 8th, 2022 7:10 am


"Attention all citizens. In August, there was a murder committed. College student Sydney Riker. Four more students followed after her. We didn't catch him. We almost had him when a witness came in contact but he disappeared and we had to close the cases. Now he's back and he's claimed two more victims,"

Cameras flashed as the chief of police made her statement announcing that they were once again looking for him. A smirk rose on his face, his self-esteem at an all-time high. If they believe they'll catch me they're wrong, he thought. He didn't think he'd be caught because he was too smart. He let no one see his face, he never left any evidence behind, and he carefully chose his victims.

That's why they haven't found him and that's why they won't find him. He continued watching the news as they reported his crimes and smiled. He couldn't feel happier right now.

His doorbell rang and he looked at the clock. It was time. He got up and walked to the door, opening it for his guest. "Hey," they said.

"Hey, so I was thinking we watch a movie, eat a bunch of snacks and just chill," he said, jumping right into it.

"Let's watch a show. There's a new tv show that came out and I think it'll be really cool,"

"Okay, let me set it up." he walked toward the tv and grabbed the remote off the desk.

"Now we know we didn't catch him and you all have many questions. Questions we don't have answers to at the moment but I promise you this time we will not rest until he is caught. These murders will not go unsolved and our Victims, Sydney Riker, Janson Lang, Mary and Jorge Lewis, Lisa Norway, and Jenna Luis, will get their justice. No matter how long it takes." His movements paused and he stared at the screen. He'd had too many encounters with her. Morana Barnes. Her declarations made him angry for some reason.

"Hey, everything okay?" with his face going blank and a smile present on his face he looked back.

"Yeah, I'm good. So what's this show called?"

Morana Barnes:

"Now that the cases have been reopened, I need you guys to get on it," their boss spoke. The public had gotten comfortable in the killer's absence. They no longer were wary although they should've been. He was still out there, we never got him. "We've been on it," Chaset responded.

"No, I mean you guys need to catch this guy," she said.

"Of course, we need to catch him. But we don't really have anything to go on so it's gonna take time. Just as it's been. We can't speed up the process when we don't have anything," I said. I was slightly annoyed that my boss had even said that. As if she didn't know how much of a struggle it's been trying to catch this guy.

She's the one who closed the cases in the first place even when I said she shouldn't have. I felt like a broken record as I found myself saying the same things over and over and over again. We have nothing. There's no evidence. We have no suspects. I just couldn't get the words we don't or nothing out of my vocabulary and it was honestly starting to piss me off. Why was it so hard? Yeah these things take time but something should've gave by now. What are we missing?

"Don't get smart Barnes," she tried to scold. She knew I didn't care. What she said was ridiculous acting as though we haven't been working our asses off trying to catch this guy.

"With all due respect we've been working our asses off to catch this guy and your comments are demeaning in a way. Implying that we haven't been doing our job,"

Chaset looked at me from the side, slightly glaring. It was the truth and I wasn't gonna bite my tongue while she sits here and says we weren't doing our job right or working hard enough. "Just go and find the guy." she said with finality. Oh, and we will. Something in my gut was telling me, we had him right where we wanted him.

Morana Barnes: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now