43. Jace Lorn

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December 17th, 2022 4:26 pm

Falling Apart pt.2:

We sat on the couch watching t.v. I was still trying to figure out why Jace was acting so weird. Ever since a couple of nights ago, he's been acting extremely odd. I left his house because of it but he recently came over. I wasn't gonna turn him down but as we watched tv something was nagging at me. Something about his behavior made moths spread throughout my stomach and made my body shiver in fear.

I tried to ignore it but something was screaming at me. I didn't know what it was but it just wouldn't leave me alone for the last couple of days. It only grew stronger and stronger every day. My breathing felt labored and I started feeling light-headed, my throat suddenly becoming dry. "I'm gonna go get some water," I said getting up.

"Ok," Jace said, still staring at the t.v. I went into the kitchen and grabbed cold water to drink. My hands shook as I tried to calm myself down. I looked back toward the coach, toward Jace and that feeling doubled. What the hell was going on with my body? This feeling of...Dread? Worry? I didn't know what it was all I knew was it was horrible. It made me feel sick.

I jumped as my phone started ringing on the counter. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. Morana? I doubled over, the moths in my stomach exploding like fireworks causing my stomach to drop. I answered it even though I was struggling and put the phone to my ear, looking towards the living room.

I wasn't sure why but I knew it was about Jace and the way my stomach churned told me it wasn't good. "May?" she asked.

"Yeah, hey Morana what's up?"

"May, is Jace with you?" she asked.

"Yes, Why?" my breathing became heavy and I started to sweat. My eyes started to water and my hands trembled as they got clammy. Why did she sound like that? Her voice wavered and she sounded...Scared? "Morana what's going on?"

"May I need you to listen to me. Just be cool okay. I need you to do everything you can to keep him there,"

"Morana," the panic in my voice was evident. The fear that was slowly creeping inside me was only rapidly growing the more Morana stayed cryptic "What's going on?" A lump formed in my throat.

"May listen to me. Don't. Let. Him. Leave."


The phone was hung up but I couldn't shake this feeling. A feeling of dread. Any confusion about this feeling vanished. This feeling was one I could put a name to. A feeling that everything was about to change for the worst. Everything was about to fall apart before my eyes. I tried to calm myself down before facing Jace again when I heard something click and quickly turned around.

I froze in my place staring at him, my eyes going back and forth from him to the revolver he held in his hands. My heart thundered in my chest, and tears immediately formed in my eyes. I was overwhelmed with fear as I stared at him and the evil look he held on his face.

"Who was that May?" he asked. His voice was cold and dark. I didn't like it. His eyes were wide, a wild and crazy look met me as I refused to look away out of fear that he'd shoot me. "No one," I lied. I started shaking more, unable to hide the fear I was feeling right now.

"Are you lying to me?"

I didn't answer right away, unable to take my eyes off the gun. My breathing shook and I sniffed as more and more tears fell from my eyes. What the hell was happening? It couldn't be. There's no way he... "No," I said quickly.

"Was that your sister?" he asked. "Was that Morana?"

"Jace, you're scaring me," I said, my words wavering.

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