35. Morana Barnes

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December 2nd, 2022 10:25 pm

Gut Feeling pt. 2:

Staring at the new bulletin board Chaset created I looked over the images. Erin Lousey's right in the middle. The centerpiece of it all, connected by red string to every victim and what little evidence we found. With my gloves on I picked up the piece of clothing found by a witness. I've seen Erin Lousey up close and he couldn't fit any of this. He was far too slim, he didn't have nearly enough muscle to fit into this hoodie. After following him that day, Chaset and I realized he was simply going to a college party.

I thought it was a good outlet. At least he wasn't held up inside the house withering away due to all the death in his life.

Chaset on the other hand wasn't convinced in the slightest. She was sure he did that to throw us off his trail but we'd been following him ever since. We were still watching him. Every night we're parked in a secluded area watching his every move.

I set the hoodie down and looked at every victim we had. Yes, Erin knew them but every person we've interviewed never mentioned Erin Lousey ever. Only one had and that's because they shared the same friendship circle so they knew almost all of Erin's friends.

My stomach churned again and I swallowed as I felt like vomiting. I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly bending over and clenching my hand to my stomach. This feeling was terrible. I wasn't sick, I knew that but I couldn't understand this feeling. This sick worry crept into me at random points in the day making me feel queasy and light-headed. I sat down in my chair just as a steaming cup was placed in front of me.

"Are you sure you're not sick?" Chaset asked.

I grabbed the steaming cup and smelled its contents. Hot chocolate, nice. I took a sip and wished I hadn't. That feeling doubled and I wrapped my arms around my stomach as I breathed out shakily. "No, I'm not sick. This is something else. Like a worry, but I don't know what for." It was almost debilitating in a sense. I sat upright and waited for Chaset to tell me whatever needed to be said.

"I think you should go home and rest for a few days. Maybe your body is trying to tell you to take a break and give yourself some time away from this case,"

I wanted to diffuse what she said and just brush it off but she could be right. Maybe my body was telling me I needed to take a break and destress. I nodded my head and stood up. That feeling dimmed down but still lingered. "I think I'll take your advice."

December 3rd, 2022 1:23 am

My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the scene in front of me. Looking between the two figures I felt frozen. I couldn't recognize either one as I stood in my spot unable to move. One moved closer and that same dreadful feeling swept through my stomach causing my hands to become clammy and my entire body to heat up.

I felt my throat get tighter as I tried to suck in a breath. I so desperately wanted to double over and hold my stomach till the uncomfortable feeling went away. The closer the feeling got the more intense my dread became. Closer and closer until the figure was recognizable.

I felt the blood drain from my face as I realized who was standing in front of me. May. Her eyes were wide with terror as she faced the front of her completely oblivious to my being there. I looked where she was facing the other figure, everything about them unknown. They stalked towards her menacingly.

As I continued watching their exchange my eyes were cast downward at a soft glint that hit my eyes. The figures' knife was revealed and the closer they got the more they turned their head to the side. Only the side profile was in my view. The same side profile from the police sketch.

No. No, No, NO!

I couldn't do anything but sit there and watch as the killer moved faster toward May and she just backed away slowly, tears streaming down her face. She had nowhere to go, nowhere to run. I couldn't speak. I couldn't say anything. The killer grabbed her and threw her to the floor. Tears brimmed my eyes as I tried my hardest to move, to help her escape their clutches but I couldn't.

Flashes seemed to go off in my head as every victim this person had was appearing, reminding me in the most brutal way that there was nothing I could do to save her or any of them. The sounds of her screams caused my tears to boil over and a pain I'd never felt before flooded through my chest. My body dropped to the ground as sobs wracked my body and as much I wanted to get up and save her the pain in my chest weighed me down.

"May!" I screamed as sobs tore from me. "May!"

There was an uncomfortable silence and I could hear the struggle from her trying to breathe as he had his hands around her throat stealing the air from her lungs. "Please stop!" I cried. Why couldn't I get up? Why couldn't I help her?


I sat up with a start, my entire body burning with fatigue. My chest burned painfully as sweat soaked my body trying to cool me down. Every time I took a breath I wheezed and an immense pain shot through my throat. That same dread filled me to the brim as I quickly got up searching for my phone. I grabbed it and looked through my contacts dialing May's number. I didn't want to speak to her or talk to her in any way but I still wanted to make sure she was okay. That she was alive and the killer hadn't got to her but she didn't answer. Instead, I texted her hoping to receive a response soon.

Morana Barnes: Murderous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now