39. Unknown

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December 14th, 2022 2:25 am

Ahead of one's self:

There they stood. Talking and laughing. Totally unaware of where he was hidden behind the tree's knife at the ready. You'd think after the news they would've taken more precautions, and stayed inside their homes where they would be safe. Nope, instead, they decided on a late-night stroll and totally unbeknownst to him.

They switched up their normal routine. The two girls in front of him were roommates, best friends. They provided a perfect opportunity for him. Just like when he came back, he came back with a vengeance and once again, he'll get two birds with one stone. They made it too easy for him. Everyone knew the police were never gonna catch him. They couldn't. They had nothing on him to be able to. The police sketch they had wasn't very telling as to who he was and therefore he was safe.

"Give me a second Cathay, I have to use the restroom," they're gonna split up. This was too perfect.

"I'm not gonna leave you, Clair, there's a serial killer on the loose remember?"

"Then why are we out here?"

"I don't know, it was your idea. Maybe when you're done using the bathroom we should go," Too late.

"That's a good idea,"

"Or you could just wait till we get home?"

"No, I have to use it really bad,"

"Okay well, I'll be sitting on the bench right in front of the bathroom, okay? Hurry please."

Clair walked into the bathroom and Cathay sat down on the bench facing it. Just from the way she sat right there, he could tell the talk of him got her on edge. He smiled at the fact, slowly removing himself from the trees and sneaking towards her. Just as he was behind her she sat up abruptly, her body tensing in alarm as she turned around to face him.

She screamed just as he lunged at her, anger taking over him at the alert she had just given out. He plunged his knife into her, sporadically. The knife went in and out of her flesh harshly, piercing right to the bone or any vital organ it could find. Her screams of agony only caused her friend to hurriedly come out of the bathroom to face him.

She froze at the scene as he glared up at her. She couldn't move as her body chose to freeze in the response to the danger ahead of her. Her eyes watered as she started hyperventilating, already accepting her doom. He spent so much time focused on her he hadn't noticed Cathay underneath him. She made a quick move causing him to slightly lose his balance as she quickly grabbed hold of his knife, "Run Clair!" she yelled as she struggled against him.

Clair didn't hesitate and took off running. The blood on his hands, the blood of Cathay, caused his knife to slip, and she took hold of it, stabbing him in the side. He yelled in pain and his fist rained down on her face as she cried in pain. She dropped the knife and he wrapped his hands around her throat as he did so many others. Choking her, draining the life out of her. She went limp and he stood up grabbing his knife and his side as he groaned. A slight breeze wafted through the air and he froze.

His hair moved with the breeze and his hand immediately went to his head. No, No, No, No, NO! She saw him. She saw his face. He doesn't know when his hoodie came off but it did. "Damn it!" he yelled as he ran in the direction of Clair. His mind was scattered. He had to catch her. He continued running in the direction he followed them from and looked around in case she was hiding. His side ached from where Cathay stabbed him but he ignored it.

His sole focus was on finding Clair. They had come a long way from their car. Reaching the parking lot he heard the sound of keys fumbling and spotted her. He ran towards her and when he reached her, he wrapped his hand around her mouth to prevent her from screaming. There weren't many cars out there but there were a few and he wasn't sure where their owners were.

He plunged his knife in and out of her, her screams of pain and terror muffled by his hand. She tried to fight him but it was of no use. Even wounded he overpowered her. As her arms flailed around she hit him right where he was stabbed. He groaned in pain and his grip loosened. The moment it did he felt her hand connect with his face and he quickly grabbed her, slamming her head against the car. Her body went limp from the force and he stood there breathing heavily and looking around.

As he was about to go a feeling washed over him. His stomach churned and his skin prickled. He looked back towards the park and ran over there. If this feeling was telling him what he thought, it was over. He was done for. He got ahead of himself. He should've waited, and gone for someone else but he wanted to prove a point.

Prove that he couldn't be caught. Prove that he could do whatever it is he wished. And it cost him- gravely. When he got back to the bathrooms she was gone. A frustrated and angry growl left his throat as he threw down the knife he held in his hand, his hands going straight to his hair and pulling at the strands roughly.


Everything hurt. Everything was beating with pain, her heart was overworking, and she felt lightheaded. She swayed from side to side, gulping in air, as she screamed to the best of her ability, wanting and wishing for help. "Please," she cried as she staggered. "Somebody help me!" The sound of movement stopped her in her tracks as a man and woman approached eyes wide in horror. She had already called the police prior but they were taking too long. She needed a hospital although she doesn't believe she'll make it.

"Oh my god, ma'am are you okay?" It was a dumb question in a serious situation. She didn't look okay in the eye. She looked horrible, bleeding from everywhere, her throat bruised from how hard he squeezed. She's honestly lucky to be alive right now. Her breath caught in her throat and she dropped to the ground, the two people surrounding her with raised voices of alarm. The sound of a phone ringing was the last thing she heard before she passed out. 

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