Chapter 2

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I woke up almost swimming in my own sweat, when I had another terrifying yet very questionable dream last night. It was the same blonde haired guy, we cooked the same meal that I gave Akashi the other day and we were having fun. The blond haired guy was smiling and everything, he was feeding me. But then it shifted really fast to him just choking me to death.

This wasn't the first time I dreamt about him killing me. The other day, he dumped smelly foods all over me as I was tied on the ground. Later on, he came back with four big dogs... and those dogs devoured me, I was screaming in pain seeking for his help. But he just laughs.

"I'm going to buy some trash bags, I'll be back."

"Be careful!"

It was Saturday, pretty boring day but, at least I'm not in school though. I was wearing lazy clothes, such as a hoodie and a sweatpants. I want my body to sink in these oversized clothes so these perverts won't cat call me. I'm tired of it.

I got to a local convenient store near our apartment, I grabbed the one thing I needed and also got myself some ice cream, mom doesn't eat one so I bought one just for myself.

After paying, I took the route back to our apartment while I was eating my ice cream. But I didn't expect to accidentally drop it on the floor as soon as someone bumped into me. It wasn't my fault, it was the person's fault. I looked devastated while glancing at my ice cream on the floor.

"A-akashi?" I was stunned when I realized it was him, wearing a cap and some mask. I soon recognized him when I saw his pink hair. But I was more curious than shock to see him in my neighborhood.

"Help me! These insane females are chasing me!" He said, shaking me as the man was seem to be terrified. Sweats are roaming down his forehead as his hands on my shoulder are terribly shaking.

"That's not my fault." I shrugged, I am still mad about what he did.. he didn't even apologize so why help him? I'm not the nicest person living on earth.

"Please, just help me! They're coming here fast!"

I felt bad, his presence is probably going to haunt me if I didn't help him. Maybe worser, he'll make my school life more miserable considering how influential he is. Anyway, I sighed and rolled my eyes on him.

"Fine, come this way." I said with boredom pasted all over me as I started leading him to the direction of my house. I guess he can chill there for awhile, then I'll kick him out myself.

We both started walking, and the whole walk was quite. None of us dared to say a word, we kept on walking and walking until we reach our apartment. I looked at him up and down before deciding to finally climb the stairs, our apartment was located at the third floor.

What am I supposed to say to mom? Should I say he's a friend? Yuck! I wouldn't wanna be friends with this jerk who threw food at me, embarrassed me twice, and called me a piece of shit. I'll just say he's a stranger in need of help, or maybe he's mentally ill and lost so we need to call his parents? Oh lord, what am I even thinking?

"This is your lifestyle, now?" He asked, before I could even open the door. I was offended by his words, I know that he's rich and famous, but that doesn't mean he can insult the lifestyle that we can afford.

"I'll call those girls if you don't apologize." I glared at him.

And what does he mean by 'now'?

"Sorry." I barely heard it because he just mumbled the words. What a jerk! He can't even apologize properly, and he expects people to always be there for him. If I'm not nice, I could've just left him there.

"Mom, I'm home." I let him enter our apartment, I looked around and didn't saw her. She's probably inside her room. "Sit there, I'll get you something to drink."

His eyes started to look around as I went to get him a glass of water. He don't deserve anything else than that. I then placed a warm water in front of him, the man looked at me with his brows lifted.

"What?" I asked, giving him the same look.

"A warm water? Don't you have a cold one?"

We do, "No."

He's probably thirsty because he didn't say anything more but just decided to just drink the warm water given to him. I felt an intense awkwardness as I just stood there like a robot, I didn't wanna sit next to him obviously, but I had this question in my mind that just suddenly popped out of nowhere in my brain.

"Is your hair naturally pink?"

I saw how he stopped drinking as the man froze. He's acting as if I asked someone so intense, it's just a simple yes or no question.

"Did you perhaps had a bleached blond hair before?" I added, this time he put down the drink as he stared at me. He crossed his legs and arms as he gave me this cocky grin.


He didn't get to answer when my mom came walking towards me as she grabbed my arms to put me behind her. I saw how sharp her gaze was to Akashi and Akashi was giving the same stare. Why are they having an intense competition through their eyes?

"What are you doing here?! Get out of my house!" Mom yelled at him, Akashi then smirked as he stood up from the couch. "Don't you dare ever come back here or else-"

"Or else what? You'll get exposed?" Akashi raised his brows. I was standing there confused, I had no idea what they're talking about.. and the fact that my mom seems to know him.

"Leave my house!"

This time, my mom pointed the door. I have never heard my mom screaming like this. She never raised her voice at me nor to anyone else like she does with Akashi. It shows how furious she was just by having him inside our place.

"Secrets don't last long... and don't claim someone who isn't yours." The man started to walk towards the door way. "Thank you for helping me, Y/n. I appreciate it."

I was silent until Akashi finally closed the door behind him. I quickly faced my mom who was breathing heavily, seeing how pale she is made me run to get her water as she sat down while trying to catch her breath.

"Mom, are you okay?" I was worried since her hands were shaking when she accepted the glass. This made me feel so guilty, because it's my fault for letting Akashi inside our apartment. None of this would've happened if I just took him somewhere else other than my own place.

"Y/n, please promise me one thing." She looked at me, her pupils were shaking as she faced me.

"Of course, mom."

"Stay away from that man."

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