Chapter 5

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My mom did warned be about stranger danger. But Akashi isn't a stranger, although I barely know him. I just want this anxious feeling to go away. I can't stand the fact that my mom literally yelled at him then he didn't get any apology in return.

We later on arrived at a forest, I had a bad vibes about this already. Akashi proceeded to enter the forest as I walked behind him, I have all the chances in the world to just escape the moment I got out of his car.. but I chose to trust him. I was eager for my apology to be accepted.

I was watching his broad back the whole time, he is now wearing our school uniform as he has his hands inside his pockets while he walks. I can see his multiple piercings from here though, he probably has a high pain tolerance because those seems painful just by looking at them.

We're getting further more into the woods, and I got chills because the clouds are starting to showcase the feeling of raining. Plus, looking at the sky right now.. its a bit dark even though its noon. I bite my lower lips as my heart started to pound hard, it made it worse when I heard ruffling behind some bushes. Maybe I've made such a terrible decision by going with him... is he going to murder me?

"I think we should head back-"

"We're here." He cut me off.

I moved to the side because he was on the way, and there my jaw almost dropped when I saw like a picnic set up on the grass. It was like in the middle of the forest where this part has no trees, just plain grass and a picnic.

It was beautiful. Akashi didn't say anything. He walked over to the area and sat down on the blanket as he tilted his head above while closing his eyes, he leaned back and used his two arms as a protection. I saw how he breath in and out just to enjoy the nature.

Since I didn't want to be a statue there, I decided to come and join him. I closed my legs tight when I sat down near him, because I was wearing a skirt. This was also the time where I get to see what type of food were prepared.

Sandwiches, a juice, and some other meal that I wasn't very familiar with. But they do look tasty though.

"Go on, eat." He demands as he looks at me. I was quite a bit intimidated so I pick up the sandwich as soon as he said so, I took a bite on it and my mouth almost watered because of how good it was.. I just don't wanna show it.

"Aren't you going to eat with me?" I asked, covering my mouth as I chew. There's so many foods here, everything will go to waste if we didn't get to finish them.

I am curious because of how did he manage to set up a picnic in the middle of the forest. Wait- was I the one who was set up? Because it seems like everything was planned? Or I'm just being paranoid?

"I'm full, eat them by yourself." He replied, as dry as that. He proceeds to look back at the sky, which made me mimic him because I was wondering what's up with the sky that he never left his eyes on them.

"It seems like its going to rain." I said, just to have some conversation with him. It's so awkward and quiet that I'm usually not used to.

"Yeah..." he mumbled, "Say, do you not remember this place?"

I frowned, "This is my first time coming here."

"I see..."

It was silent again, just the sound of chirping from birds. Akashi is really confusing me, earlier he was mad at me and wants me to leave.. but now he's all calm and feeding me with these food. I couldn't help not to wonder if he's okay?

Anyway, we didn't even get to stay there longer because the rain started to dropped. We both stood up with the unfinished sandwich on my hand. It's getting heavier though, so we must head back to the car or else we'll go home with wet clothes.

"Aren't we suppose to take these with us?" I was talking about the whole set up and leftover foods. Like I said before, it will be such a huge waste.. plus its going to rain.

"Nah. Just leave them there, hurry up and let's go."

I just shrugged and followed him, but it seems like fate was playing with me when I accidentally slipped on the wet grass causing for me to lose my balance as I fell hard on the ground. I was laying on my chest as the rain started pouring even heavier.

But, instead of helping me? The man started laughing in front of me as he has his hands on his stomach while pointing at me, we were both completely soaked because of the rain. I glared at him as I pick myself up, sitting down as he continues to laugh.

"Look at your face!" The man burst out more as I can't even see his eyes anymore. His laugh was rather contagious than annoying, it made me smile but I cannot let him just laugh at me like this.

So I threw my unfinished sandwich on him and it landed on his face. His reaction made me crack because of how funny it was. "Now look at your own face!" I giggled as I point at him.

Instead of getting mad, Akashi smirked as he wipe off some food stain from his face. I continue to laugh, it was really funny seeing his facial expression like that.

"You little!"

I was not expecting it when he started to attack me by tickling my sides, my back fell back to the ground as I started giggling even harder while the man continues to tickle me like crazy.

"Stop! Stop it!" I was saying stop while laughing, he couldn't help not to laugh as well because of how helpless I look, I tried removing his hands but he's stronger than me.

"You think you can make fun of me like that? Think again, babe."

I was almost out of breath from laugh, thankfully he decided to quit it because we're literally taking a shower from the rain. My uniform was wet and dirty because of the mud within these grass. I was catching my breath as I cleared my throat because of the dryness I felt.

"Alright, Let's go back now before you catch a cold." And as he was about to stand up, his clumsy ass also slipped on the grass.. but I didn't expect him to fall on top of me, having our faces inches away from each other.

I appreciated his eyes more after seeing them this closely, they're beautiful.. so beautiful that I can get lost just by staring at them.. his eyelashes are also one of a kind. I think everything about this man is gorgeous.

So when I saw him leaning over to peck on my lips. I didn't do anything to stop him, I closed my eyes as I felt him soft plump lips against mine. His hands landed on my jaw as he deepened the kiss, I felt electricity rushing through my body when his lips started to move. I tried to keep up with him, I was honestly enjoying every moment of this.. even if I shouldn't be enjoying it.

The rain didn't stop as we both just continue to make out, my hands were grasping the bottom of my skirt. Later on, Akashi broke the kiss as he looks straight to my eyes.. he then gave me a very very sweet smile before placing a soft kiss on the tip of my nose.

"Let's go back?"

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