Chapter 3

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"Promise me one thing."

"Of course, mom."

"Stay away from that man."

God, my dreams were really confusing. There was this middle aged woman with blurry face trying to tell me to stay away from a man, it seems oddly familiar with what my mom said yesterday. But this woman in my dream wasn't talking about Akashi... it was talking about someone else.

And the worst part is, the same guy with blond hair was standing behind her with a smirk on his face. And as the time goes by, his face started to be more clearer. But, even if that was the case? He's still a nightmare.

"Is Akashi.. in there?" I was a bit shy when I asked Katana once again. I know, my mom told me to stay away from him. But that doesn't stop my stubbornness to at least say sorry for the things that happened yesterday.

"He has a game today, so he didn't came to school." She replied.

"Oh, I'll go ahead now.. thank you!"


I stopped my tracks as I heard Katana, I turned back to her and hummed as a question. She then leaned over to me, and whispered in my ears.

"Do you wanna skip school and watch him?"

I was surprised to hear that though. Me? Skipping school just to watch someone who I need to stay away from? How ridiculous is that question? Is Katana even okay? Why would I even agree to tha-

"Sure." I smiled at her, I saw her getting excited. So she grabbed my hand as we both just started running out of this school before the gate closes.

We later on arrived at the bus stop, we sat there for awhile before we saw a bus coming towards us. I guess I was excited too because I was quick on my feet as soon as I saw it coming.

Anyway, we got in our seat after paying using our bus card. I was seated next to a window while Katana was next to me, I didn't even get to bring anything except for my wallet. Which was fine since I don't think I'll be needing anything else, I'm just going there to watch and maybe apologize to him.

"How've you been lately?" Katana spoke after some time of silence.

"I've been doing well, studying hard to make my mom proud of me." I chuckled.

"A friend of mine always responds like that whenever I asked her about herself." She said as she playfully shakes her head. "She always talks about how she wanted to make her mother proud without even realizing that it's draining her."

I wasn't really sure why Katana was telling me this. But I guess its a good thing since she probably felt comfortable around me to be telling me this story of her friend. I kinda feel like she's also my friend just by having this type of conversations with her.

"Your friend has probably achieved a lot." I responded as I glanced back at the window.

"Yeah, all I wanted was to see her happy though. And by doing so I also have to see her struggle with achieving her mother's expectations. She sacrificed everything, even her one true love just for her mother's sake.. and its still not enough." I can feel how painful it is for Katana to say those. She probably feels bad about her friend and she has no one to talk except for me.

"One true love? What happened to her?" I was also curious when I heard the word love.

"Well, she's been in love with this boy since childhood. And they started dating the moment they entered high school.. but her mom didn't like it. Because her mom wants my other friend for her.. so a fixed marriage was created between both families."

Fixed marriage? That's messed up, I never would've imagined being in that position. Especially marrying someone you don't love, her friend probably suffered a lot.

"Seeing her cry after breaking up with her boyfriend broke me into pieces. But, I cannot do anything about it, my other friend seems to like that idea.. but she doesn't want him at all." She added.

"So what happened to them now? Are they married already?" I asked once again.

But, Katana shook her head. "No, they got separated. My friend got into an accident and had amnesia. She don't even remember me anymore, and she's living her like the fullest now.."

"Then why don't you tell her that you guys were friends? I'm pretty sure she'll appreciate that."

"Will you really appreciate it?"

I frowned, "Excuse me?"

"Oh! This is our stop, look! That's the stadium." She quickly changed the topic as she pointed at the window, where it shows a huge stadium. This is the biggest one I have ever seen so far, I didn't realize that I forgot about what Katana said as we both got out of the bus.

"Are we allowed to enter? We don't have any tickets." I was worried about that part, we didn't think this through. But, the way Katana walk feels like she got everything under control. So I just shut my mouth and let her do the job.

My jaw literally dropped when the security guard just lets us in as soon as he saw Katana's face. Some people in a line were staring at us because we cut off the line. But, needless to say.. we are in.

"Oh no! The game was already starting." Katana face palmed as we walked towards an specific spot among the bleachers to get a better view of the game.

I squinted my eyes as I tried to find Akashi, and then there.. I saw him running fast as he was dribbling the ball on their side of the court. The whole crowd went wild as soon as he made a dunk. The man cheered in victory when he manage to get some points for his team.

My eyes landed on their score, and it seems like they were winning. There are few numbers ahead to their opponents. But, the game didn't stop when he scored a point obviously, they continued to run.. trying to snatch the ball from the other team and then they would make their way to their side.

I was all focused on watching it, I was enjoying it though. It was my first time watching a basketball match.. but with that thought, I stared to feel a slight pain on the back of my head. I closed my eyes as I tried to endure the pain..

"If I made the team win, will you love me for real?"

What the heck was that? Was I hearing things or somebody came to whisper that in my ears. I quickly checked my surroundings, but everyone was busy cheering and watching the game. The slight pain quickly faded away, but the voice remains in my head.

I literally slapped myself to focus on the game instead of that random voice that was ringing in my head like crazy. But, I couldn't help not to close my eyes and play that voice over and over again.. because, the voice was very familiar. I just don't know where I heard it before.

I flinched as soon as everyone started screaming, the sound of horns and people clapping filled the whole stadium as some confetti started to fall from the sky. I looked back at the game, and Akashi's team won that fast. I didn't even get to see how it ended. But, I just stood up like the others and clapped my hands.

I was smiling for some reason that I didn't know. I was happy that he won, but my blood came rushing to my face as soon as I made eye contact with him as he was hugging his teammates. It was a quick contact, but it made my heartbeat go crazy. I even felt goosebumps.

"Do you wanna go down and talk to him?" Katana turn to ask me.

"Is that even possible?"

"Everything is possible, when you're with me."

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