Chapter 1-First Year

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First day of Hogwarts 1971

"Come on Peter there's got to be a compartment somewhere that we can sit in." A young boy with messy brown hair, who everyone knows as James Potter says hurrying his slightly smaller and younger friend "ok ok James I'm not as fast as you I'm coming." The boy replies. They continue walking through the aisle looking for a place to sit and they come across one they believed was empty. They walked into the compartment and sat down. Soon another boy with sandy blonde hair and scars on his face walks into the compartment "oh um I'm sorry but I was sitting here." He says getting the boy's attention "oh sorry we didn't think anyone was sitting here we can leave if you want." James says "no no it's fine I'm Remus Lupin by the way." The boy introduces himself "Well I'm James Potter and that's Peter Pettigrew" James replies pointing at the boy sitting in front of him. "Are you guys first years also?" Remus asks "yep." Peter answers as a boy with dark hair walks into the compartment with them "you! Are you James Potter?" He asks, pointing at the boy with glasses "that's me." He answers "thank Merlin mum told me not to associate with you." He says sitting down In the compartment smirking "and you are?" He asks slowly and slightly scared as to how this boy knew him. "Sirius Black." The boy replies "nice to meet you." James says, offering his hand to the boy. "You too." He says "who are you two?" He asks "Remus Lupin." Remus replies "Peter Pettigrew." Peter mutters. "Well I guess I'm staying here now." Sirius says sitting beside Remus."oh um ok." Remus says shyly. "So Remus you don't look like a wizard are you a muggle?" James asks "oh um no my mum was a muggle and my dad was a Wizard." He says. "Oh ok so what are the scars on your face for?" Peter asks "Peter!" James says "sorry I shouldn't have asked "oh it's uh it's fine when I was younger I was attacked by a werewolf and now I'm one of them." He says glumly. "That sucks Remus." Sirius says putting a arm around him. "It's alright." Remus says "so do you Um you know turn into one every night or" James asks "every full moon." Remus replies cutting him off. "You should go change into your robes we're almost there." A girl with black hair says walking into the compartment. "Thanks Cissy please don't tell mum about-" Sirius says "I won't." She says walking away "who was that?" Peter asks "my cousin Narcissa." Sirius replies. And the other boys nod getting their robes and changing into them. "Ok guys we're here I believe or either dementors have stopped the train" James says and Remus looks at him confused "really bad ghost like things that suck the life out of you." James explains and Remus makes a O with his mouth in realization. They get off the train and a big hairy dude was shouting "firs' Years this way" "who's that?" Remus asks "Rubeus Hagrid the grounds keeper." Sirius answers "do you not know anything about the wizarding world?" James asks "oh uh no I don't mum tried to keep me as far away from it as she could." The boy explains. "After dad died she became a drunk and I was sent to my mums sisters house and they didn't like magic so I didn't know about the whole wizard thing till a few days ago..." he adds "that's terrible Remus." Peter says "not really I mean it's not like they abused me or anything so I've had a pretty good childhood besides the whole werewolf thing." He says shrugging. "Let's get us a boat." Sirius says and the boys get on a boat to the Castle they'll call home for the next seven years. "So Remus what house do you hope to get?" James asks "I don't know I was always told I'd be a Ravenclaw." He answers. "Hm ok hopefully I get Gryffindor." James says excitedly. "Me too." Peter says "as long as I don't get Slytherin I'll be happy." Sirius adds. "Sirius?" Remus says "hm?" He answers "why are you so against your family?" He asks "because apparently being a Black means you have to discriminate against people that don't deserve to be hated." He says "oh" Remus replies. "Ok everyone stay here and when the ceremony has started I'll come back and gather you all up to be sorted into your houses." all the boys was sorted into Gryffindor After the ceremony and a few nasty looks from Sirius's cousins, they sat down and ate. "So Remus what do you think so far?" James asks "I like it it's fun here and more exciting then sitting around and listening to my aunt and uncle fuss about my 'problem'" he replies "you know it's not your fault your this way right?" Sirius asks "what if it was?" Remus asks "it's not it's the guys who attacked you's fault not yours Remus." James interjects. "Really guys thanks but it's my fault I'm this way so bugger off." Remus says storming out of the great hall after the feast and avoided the boys until they got to the dorms which of course they had to share a room together. "Hey pip squeak what are you doing In the halls all by your self?" A guy with greasy black hair asks "I could ask you the same thing." Remus snaps "Severus there you are!" A red haired girl says "oh um hey I'm Lily Evans and you are?" She asks introducing herself. "Remus Lupin" he replies "Remus!" He hears Sirius call "what do you want?" Remus says annoyed slightly and turning around. "I wanted to apologize." Sirius says "oh um hi!" Sirius says noticing the other two "hi! I'm Lily Evans and this is Severus Snape." Lily says "Sirius Black." He says smiling slightly "anyway Remus can we talk privately please." He says turning towards him "fine." Remus says, rolling his eyes as Lily and Snape walk off "what do you want." He asks "I'm sorry I shouldn't have butted into your personal life it's just you looked upset like you blame yourself and it bothered me." He says "well it's not your life it's mine Black." He says "I know that Lupin." Sirius says laughing a little. "It was silly of me to react that way Sirius." Remus says "it's ok I understand your sensitive so am I." He says "you have nothing to worry about." He says winking and grabbing the boy's hand running off "Sirius!"Remus cry's out shocked "what?" Sirius says looking back "why'd we run off like that?" Remus asks "you told me a secret so I'm telling you my secret." Sirius says "ok what is it?" He asks "I'm gay" he says "really?" Remus asks "yep." Sirius replies "do the others know?" Remus asks "no not yet.''Sirius replies looking down, kicking his foot at the ground. "Are you going to tell them?" Remus asks "I don't know, I just thought that I should tell you since you told me a secret and I felt like I owed you." Sirius says, playing with his thumbs. "Well I'm glad you told me but maybe you should tell the other two also you know how James is he'd probably try to set you up with someone if he sees you don't have a date to Hogsmeade or something." Remus jokes "So Mister Half-Muggle does know something about Hogwarts?." He jokes smirking, causing Remus to nudge him. Even if he just met Sirius Remus has taken a great liking to the boy and for now he thinks it's just a friend like liking. Sirius on the other hand the only reason he told Remus was because he knew he liked him and didn't want to deny it but he didn't want to ruin their friendship. "Let's get to the common room." Sirius says "ok let's go" Remus says "uh do you know where they are?" Remus asks "yep went right before I started looking for you." Sirius says leading the way. Once they get to the common room they see James and Peter sitting waiting for them. "Hey lads I'm guessing everything is ok here?" James asks, gesturing to the two boys standing together "yup we're ok." Remus says smiling. "Ok well I'm going to bed." Sirius says walking towards the dorms and the others follow. The next day they sit in the Great Hall with Sirius and James throwing pieces of food at each other and Remus and Peter trying to avoid getting hit. A girl about their age,with pixie cut reddish brown dyed hair dyed black at the tips with rose colored glasses and her face slightly resembling Sirius, came up to the table shyly. "Estelle? Why are you here, shouldn't you be sitting with your stuck up sisters?" Sirius asks rudely. "No, actually I'm a Hufflepuff and they hate me." she replies simply sitting beside Peter causing him to look down trying to hide his blush. "Well what's not to expect from 'the perfect' Black sisters." Sirius says rolling his eyes and the petite girl nods in agreement. "Mum's already sent me a howler and my father is disappointed. I expect they'll ignore us then yell at us when we go home for break." She informs him. "I expected nothing less." Sirius says, rolling his eyes. "So how is our dear Aunt Walburga?" She asks sarcastically. "More insufferable than ever." He replies simply. "Is she still trying to get you to act more like a Black?" he nods his head. "Oh before I forget. This is James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew." He introduces them to her. "This is Estelle Black the youngest Black sister and my cousin." He introduces her. "Me and Andy are the outcasts of the sisters." she says plainly, and the boys nod their heads. As the school year went on,the boys and Estelle got closer and began pulling ridiculous pranks on the other houses and one another (Especially Snape whom they started calling Snivellus). They were all in the Gryffindor common room about a week prior to Christmas break when Sirius speaks up and looks at Remus who nods. "So I have an announcement." They all looked at him and sat up and stopped what they were doing. "Remus and Estelle already know this and well I'm I'mgayandIdidn'tknowhowtosaythisbecauseIwasscared." "What? I didn't understand a word you said Sirius." James says confused "-I'm gay and I didn't know how to say this because I was scared." he repeats and little slower so they could understand and he looks at Remus who looks proud along with Estelle. "Well I don't why you would be scared because I'm Bi sexual." Peter says. "Well I'm straight soooo." Estelle and James say at the same time causing them to laugh. "Wait Peter why didn't you tell me that?! I'm your best friend!" James says acting like he was offended. "Like Sirius said I was scared." he shrugs and goes back to the book he was reading. Estelle giggles and lays back down on the ground. "So James." Remus speaks up. "There's a girl and I know because I can tell, you want to tell us?" his face turns red and he whispers a name under his breath. "What was that Jamie?" Estelle teases. "Remus's sister," he repeated. Estelle's heart slightly dropped but she didn't know why she wasn't falling for her best friend right? "Elizabeth?" "Remus asks calmly. "Yeah we've been hanging out I was scared to tell you and- '' Remus cuts him off. "She's been talking about you non stop since the beginning of term it was bound to happen anyway." he shrugs and James lets out a sigh of relief causing Estelle to laugh. "What are you laughing about tiny Black?" James nudges her. They had become close over the months that had passed since they met. "Are you scared of Remus, Potter?" she teases. "I'm not scared of him!" "Are too!" They went on like that for a little while until Sirius interrupted them. "Ok you two it's getting late it's time for bed." They groan as they part ways, Estelle going to the Hufflepuff dorms James going to Gryfindor. The next morning, The boys and Estelle meet in the Great Hall and start eating and joking around. "Hey Boys, Elle." A girl says walking up "Hey Elizabeth!" They say in excitement. "Do you mind if I sit here?" She asks Estelle. "Nope" she moves over a little so Elizabeth could sit by her. They go back to throwing food and making jokes. "Hey Pete?" Estelle whispers. "Hm?" He replies. "How did you get wrapped up in all of this craziness?" She asks, laughing. "Not sure but they treat me like I belong so I stay. I feel comfortable around all of you, even Elizabeth and I barely know her." He shrugs and they continue their conversation while the others goof off.


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