Letters to Peter

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Summer 1973

Dear Peter,

Please come back home. I'm begging you, we all miss you and you've been missing since a few months after Christmas Break. Just please come home. I forgive you for everything just coming home. Please.


Estelle Black

Dear Peter,

Please come home Estelle has gone mad James has barely slept and I'm pretty sure Sirius is trying to find a spell that could bring you back so please come back.


Remus Lupin

Dear Peter,

Get your arse back here now. Estelle hasn't slept in months, James is going insane and Remus is even more stressed than usual. And Remus might have told some things about me and yes it's probably true. I've been working my arse off trying to find you so please come back.


Sirius Black

P.s. If you don't come back I will destroy everything you own in this dorm room don't underestimate me Pete. I will do it.

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