chapter 9-Potters house

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Potter House

"So what happened back there?" Sirius asks. "I told him about me and Pete." she says. "And we kissed." she adds. "Wait what." Sirius says. "Yeah but it's nothing he has Liz I have Pete so its fine." She says shaking the feeling of regret off acting happy. "Ok whatever you say Ellie." he says and runs off. "Jamie hey!" she yells trying to act as if they didn't just kiss. "Hey Elle." he looks at her and smiles. "I missed this place." she says spinning around. James laughs. "I did too." he looks at her and smiles again. "Guys! Dinner time!" James' mom calls. "Coming!" James calls back and they run to the house. Once they get to the house they'll all gather into the dining area and begin eating. "So boys and Estelle how has school been?" James' father asks. "It was exciting." Estelle says as everyone else starts mumbling "Fine" and "ok." After dinner Estelle went to the living room and sat beside Peter. "So we're gonna try this again Elle?" Peter asks. "Yeah, let's try again." she nods and lays her head on his shoulder.

Christmas Day

"Ellie! Wake up!!" She wakes up to someone shoving her. "Whattt." she groans. "It's Christmas!" James and Sirius yell. She jumps out of her bed and runs down the stairs to see a tree and tons of presents. After everyone opens their presents they sit around and talk, planning new pranks, and just enjoying each other's company.

Hogwarts Express

"Why is everyone staring at us James?" Elle asks, grabbing His and Peter's hands. "They probably think you three are a couple." Sirius replies motioning to their hands and Estelle immediately drops their hands. "She was nervous, Sirius." James says. "I was just answering her question, Jamie poo." he replies shrugging and James glares at him. "I told you to stop calling me that, Siri." He teases. "Only Ellie can call me that," Sirius argues. "Ok boys stop arguing like five year olds." Estelle says, rolling her eyes. "Boys are bugs." she mumbles. "Are not!" Sirius and James shout at the same time. "Ok boys calm down." Remus scolds. Sirius and James look down and they walk onto the train. "Let's find a compartment." Peter suggests trying not to laugh. "Hey Remus, can I talk to you? " a red head says, walking up to him. "Sure lily." he says and turns to the others. "I'll be back. FInd a compartment and try not to kill each other ok?" he laughs "You're in charge Ellie." He says. "Aye aye captain." She salutes him. "Ok boys let's go." she says and leads them to an empty compartment.

Meanwhile with Lily and Remus (Brought to you by the wonderful Weasley twins!)

"What's wrong?" Remus asks. "Snape has been acting off lately. He keeps trying to do things to me that I don't like." she tells him. Remus gets mad. "What kind of things?" he asks her. "Sexual things he keeps touching my thighs and breasts." she tells him. "Stay away from him, find Marlene and Dorcas and stay with them ok?" he tells her. "Ok don't kill him please." She tries joking. "I won't Lil's now go find them." he kisses her forehead and walks off trying to find Snape. "Sirius, I need you and James now." he walks into the compartment angry and they nod. "What's wrong?" Ellie asks. "Snivellus." he says simply and they walk out. "What's he done now, pulled another prank?" James asks. He explains what Lily told him. "Where is the bastard?" Sirius asks angrily. "No clue but if I find him I'm gonna kill him." Remus replies. They spotted the greasy haired boy and walked up to him. "You really think it's ok to touch girls inappropriately do you?" James says walking up to him. Sirius was having to hold him back because he tried hitting him. "What are you talking about Potter?" Snape asks. "Don't play dumb we know you've been touching Lily Evans inappropriately she went to Remus crying and she's scared for her life." Sirius replies. Marlene and Dorcas walk up to them. "She told you too?" Sirius asks and they nod. "I'm not gonna do anything right now, Snivellus." Remus sneers. "But If i hear her say you've done it again I'll fuck you up." he threatens and they walk off. "I didn't know you had it in you Remus." Marlene says laughing. "Well if you mess with one of my friends I do." he replies shrugging. "Was she still upset when you left?" James asks. "A little but she was getting better. We left her with Elizabeth." Dorcas replies and he nods.

Hoggy Warts

Once the train stops they get off and walk towards the castle. "I think I'm going to sit at the Hufflepuff table tonight." Elle tells them. "But the past three years you've sat with us." Sirius whines. "I know but I should have friends from my house don't you think?" she laughs. "I mean I guess." James shrugs. "Can we sit with you?" Remus asks. "Sit with Lily, Marlene and Dorcas. She needs you guys right now, ok?" she says, trying to convince them. "Ok fine but you'll still sit with us sometimes right?" Peter asks. "Of course." she replies. Later that night Estelle was in the Hufflepuff common room talking with fellow hufflepuffs and enjoying it. "So they just run around and pull pranks on each other and everyone else?" One of her new friends, Olivia Longbottom asks, laughing. "Yes and one time they actually got your brother Frank he was terrified for weeks." Elle replies laughing. "They sound fun." Alexandra Pritchett says amazed. "Yeah it is a lot of fun." she replies reminiscing. "So why aren't you with them now?" Olivia asks. "Because I wanted to be able to have friends of my own who weren't just them." she replies. "Oh ok." she says. "They've been my boys for three years and we've been through a lot together." she says. "Maybe I should go check on them." she says getting up. "Do it girl." Olivia says as Estelle runs out of the portrait. Once she gets to Gryffindor Tower she mumbles the password and the portrait flies open being used to Estelle going in and out. "Estelle?" Sirius calls. "It's me." she says smiling and is immediately tackled by the boys. "Couldn't get enough of us could you?" James jokes. "I was talking to some of my friends and realized how much I couldn't live without you guys." She says. They spent the rest of the night together joking around and just having fun. The school year went on and as the days went by so did the weeks and the months. James started spending less time with them and Remus and Sirius started hanging out more but Peter started disappearing altogether which made Estelle wonder if it was just 'family' problems. Before they knew it they were loading the train and heading home, some wanting to return and others regretting it. "Do we have to Jamie? I don't want to." Estelle whines. "Me either." Sirius whines. "We'll see each other soon I promise." he says, hugging her. "Ok well the train is about to stop guys it's time to go." Remus says, trying to hide his tears. "Aw Remy, don't cry, you're gonna make me cry." Estelle says hugging him. "Ok come on guys the trains stopped." Sirius says getting up. They get off the train and go their separate ways. "I give up." Estelle says "I give up giving him chance after chance and he just disappears every time." she says crying hugging Sirius once James and Remus leaves. "It's going to be ok Ellie. If he doesn't want to stay it's his loss, he just lost the most wonderful and perfect, sometimes chaotic person in the world and I'm saying that as your best friend and cousin not because I feel like I have to, I'm saying it because I need to and want to. Don't let him get you down ok?" he says, reassuring her. "You are perfect in every shape and form and if you weren't my cousin I'd date you," he jokes. "Thanks Siri." Estelle says, laughing a bit. "Now let's get home." Sirius says.

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