Chapter 19-Banana

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 After dinner they walk to the Gryffindor Common Room until they get tired and Estelle leaves to go to her dorm. "Olivia Weasley!" Estelle yells angrily. "What did she do this time?" Alexandra asks, rolling her eyes. "She threw a banana at my face!" Estelle exclaims. "You wouldn't wake up." Olivia shrugs her shoulders. "So! You don't throw a banana at her face!" Alexandra says laughing. "It was the only logical way." Olivia replies, shrugging. "Hey!" Olivia exclaims after Estelle throws it back and hits her in the face. "Pay back." Estelle laughs. "That's mean." She pouts. "Well you threw it at me while I was sleeping soooo" she shrugs. "Why were you trying to wake me up anyway?" Estelle asks."You were muttering in your sleep about Harry again." She looks at her. "Again? Ugh I need to talk to james." she groans getting up. "It's three in the morning, Elle." Alexandra says, laughing still. "Well I'm awake now." she glares at Olivia who giggles. "Sorry Elle."

Later That Day

Estelle was walking to the common room after class. Suddenly she feels two arms wrap around her "Hello Little Black." a voice says behind her "hi Jamie." she smiles softly turning around. "Where are you heading?" he asks, looking at her "Hufflepuff common room." and he nods, taking her hand. "No you're not, we're going to hogsmeade." He smirks and leads the way. Later that day James had wandered off somewhere after arguing with Estelle about leaving her alone. Estelle had reassured him she'd be fine and he left. Estelle had roamed the alleyways looking around. She spotted a figure who looked like her cousin and another who looked like her boyfriend. It couldn't be them right? They had been kissing almost as or possibly even more passionately then James and herself had been just a few hours ago. She approached them, noticing she was right. She'd been betrayed by the two people she trusted the most. She stood there scared to say anything. James looked up as his eyes widened "Estelle!" He tried calling after her but she ran off with tears in her eyes. Regulus looked at him. "She saw?" James nods and sighs. "Go after her and explain everything." James nods as he also runs off chasing her. Estelle had run off to the Gryffindor common room where she immediately found Sirius and remus. "Elle? What's wrong?" Remus asks looking up from his book. Elle ran to him and hugged him immediately, breaking down explaining everything. "I'm going to kill him," Sirius mutters. "First my baby cousin, now my baby brother?!" Estelle looked up. "Is that seriously all you care about right now? Your cousin just found her boyfriend cheating on her with her cousin and you only care that he's with your little brother?!" Remus looks up at him. "No..." Sirius looks down. "Now take Estelle up to the dorm and comfort her while I kick James's ass" Remus gets up and walks out. "Come on Ellie.." Sirius says picking her up and taking her to the dorm. Remus finds James at the portrait. "Moony is she in there?" James asks Remus doesn't say anything. "Remus please.. Tell me I need to talk to her." Remus glares at him. "And hurt her even more? Absolutely not James, she's in there sobbing her eyes out. Sirius's brother really? And why didn't you just tell her instead of going behind her back?" He looks at him waiting for a response. "I-I don't know." All James could manage to get out. Estelle walks out of the common room. She glares at james. "I can't fucking even stand to look at you right now james no matter what you say will help this situation. You know how long I waited and listened to Elizabeth brag about how great of a boyfriend you were? Yet you turned around and got WITH her boyfriend BEHIND MY BACK James. I trusted you with everything in my body but you cheat on me with my fucking cousin. You weren't even man enough to say it to my face." and with that she stormed off. "Damn that's better than anything I could ever say to you." Remus shrugs and walks off with Sirius following him as they flip James off. Estelle ran to the forest. She didn't seem to care if it was where she had been attacked by Peter. She needed to get away from the castle. She needed air. She sat at the bottom of a tree closing her eyes as she cried. She heard footsteps but she assumed they were remus or sirius. She didn't bother to open her eyes. "Elle? What are you doing out here it's late and dark" That was not Sirius or Remus's voice. She looks up. "Pete? Why are you here?" She begins to move backwards trying to get away from him. "I'm hiding. I can't go to school. I can't go back home. I don't want to go back to him so I hide in the forest." He looks down at her holding his hand out. "Come on get up." She hesitantly takes his hand looking up at Peter. She got up and hugged Peter. She strangely felt comfort in his arms. After everything it was like her feelings for James and the anger she had towards Regulus and her hatred for the boy who almost murdered her melted away while she was in his arms. Estelle didn't want to let go of him. She wanted him to hold her like this forever. As soon as it began it ended. Reality hit her again. "J-James cheated on me Pete." she tells him looking up at him. His eyes shifted, it wasn't anger. It was like he had seen this coming. "I knew he'd pull some shit like this." His eyes soon shift to anger. "Was it Elizabeth?" Elle shakes her head. "Regulus" He looks at her. "Regulus?" Peter repeats curiosity skimming his face. She nods, he pulls her close to him and kisses her expecting for her to push him away but she doesn't. She kisses him back. Peter pulls her closer, deepening the kiss. Estelle wraps her arms around his neck, tangling her fingers into his hair. He pulls away. "I'm sorry" he looks at her. She kisses him again. Peter lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. Peter puts her against the tree lifting her shirt up. Estelle takes it off, tossing it to the side. Peter pulls away and kisses her neck sucking slightly as a moan escapes Estelle she tilts her head to the side slightly allowing him more access to her neck. Peters hands roam Elles body and find her breast he slips a hand under her bra kneading on of her breast the other one finding its way to her back and undoing the clip on her bra tossing it off he begins sucking the other. Estelle moans again. Peter moves and places Estelle on the ground so he's over her. He kissed down her body while he pulled her skirt off he kissed down to the hem of her underwear teasing her through them. Breathless moans and begs escape Estelle wanting more. Peter begins undressing himself with the help of Estelle.

Memories ~ JAMES POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now