Chapter 6- Back at Hogwarts

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Back at Hogwarts

So Ik that I skipped christmas day I just didn't know what to put after.

After the whole Christmas fiasco no one talked to Peter. No contact with him at all the boys and Estelle ignored him anytime they saw him in the common room or in the hall they didn't even look at him. A few months went by and no one saw or talked to him and Estelle was getting nervous. "Have you guys seen Peter?" she asked. "No I don't think so why I thought we weren't talking to him?" James asks. "I know but I haven't seen him in the halls or common room so I was wondering if you guys had." Estelle adds. "Oh well I haven't seen him." Remus says. "Me either." Sirius says continuing to throw the ball in the air that he had in his hand, while hanging upside down on the couch. More months passed and even less and less of Peter was seen. The boys were starting to worry also but they didn't say anything, they didn't want to scare Estelle even more than she already was. As a result James started getting distant again. Him and Estelle don't talk anymore, Remus and Sirius started getting distant too. They spent more and more time together just the two of them and occasionally Estelle but never Estelle and James together. "So are you and James still talking?" they'd asked and she'd shake her head and go back to what she was doing. "Ok this is ridiculous, we're all hanging out today." Sirius says finally fed up with the silence. "What?" Estelle asks. "We're hanging out today, you Remus and James and me." Sirius tells her. "Ok well what would we do?" Remus asks. "We can do that prank we were planning last summer." Sirius says. A few hours later and a lot of convincing James to do it they had fireworks and was running around setting them off."Come on Siri it'll be fun just throw it!" Elle yells and he throws the fireworks. "See? Wasn't it fun?" she smirks the Infamous Black Smirk. "What are you looking at, Potter?" She teases. "Sorry Black I thought I saw something but I guess it was just your ugly face." He jokes, smiling his goofy lopsided smile. "Oh I didn't know I was a Mirror." She smirks again, walking away. "Come on, let's take a picture at least, Tiny Black!" he yells. "Ugh since you asked so nicely." She rolls her eyes smiling. They took the picture and went back to the common room. "This was actually really fun today." Estelle says with her head laying in James lap. "Yeah it was thanks to Sirius for doing this." James says. "So uh are you and Elizabeth still together?" Estelle asks after Sirius and Remus had gone to bed. "Yeah actually but I don't know how much longer." He says. "Why?" she asks "She likes Regulus..." he trails off. "Oh wow." she says. "Yeah but it's fine." he says "Now go to sleep." he tells her. The next morning Estelle wakes up to James and Sirius making a lot of noise. "Did we wake you Elle?" James asks after she threw pillows at them. "Yes you did now shut it so i can go back to sleep." she says glaring at him. As the months went by the time to leave came closer and closer, and as it came closer the potion was ready for them to take it, Sirius a dog that they called padfoot and James a Stag they called prongs. Estelle was a doe that Sirius and Remus teased her and James about and they called her Doey as the year continued on it was getting closer and closer to the last day until it was time for them to get on the Hogwarts Express. "I think I'm gonna try to find Pete over summer." James and Estelle say at the same time once they are on the train. They laugh and Remus speaks up. "What if you can't find him?" "Well if we don't then we don't.We'll let him come back." Estelle tells him. 'So it's now your life mission to find your ex boyfriend who caused you to almost die?' Remus asks. "Yep it is because even though he said some awful things to me that day I forgive him." she says. "The Hufflepuff in you is gonna get you killed you know." Sirius teases her. "Nah it's just gonna get me in some dangerous situations that the Gryffindor in you three will help get me out of." she says smiling proud of what she said as the boys look at her dumbfounded. "I believe it's the other way around Tiny." James says. She shrugs and goes back to the book she was reading. "So what are you guys gonna do this summer?" James asks Sirius and Remus. "Probably get yelled at about being a blood traitor." Sirius shrugs. "Probably gonna stay in my house most of the time." Remus replies. "That's depressing mate." Estelle teases. "Eh I have nothing better to do." he shrugs laughing. After the train stops and they get off they go separate ways and wave bye to everyone. The summer went by in a whirl and everyone wrote to each other by the end they ended up at James house just like the previous year. When it was time to go back to Hogwarts they was all excited for what were to come.

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