Chapter 4-Second year

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Second Year 1972

James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and Estelle sit on the train on their way to their second year of Hogwarts excited for what the year holds for them. "I wonder how many new Hufflepuff's we'll get this year." Estelle wonders aloud. "No clue." Remus replies. After that the train ride was silent and peaceful. Estelle eventually fell asleep with her head in James lap and feet in Sirius's. She wakes up to the train jolting to a stop and they all get their robes on since they had forgotten. "Another year and another great one at that." James says walking off the train. "What do you mean by that Jamie?" "What do you mean by that Jamie boo?" Sirius teases. "Shut it Sirius and I mean It's another year and we're going to do great things this year. Do even better pranks then last year and maybe I'll get Elizabeth Lupin." he winks "Yeah maybe." she looks down as her heart drops. Elizabeth Lupin, Her bestfriends sister and also the girl James is madly in love with. "You Good Elle?" Sirius whispers. "Oh uh yeah I'm fine why?" "You just look upset when you know.." he trails off "No it's fine he likes lizzy I get it." she says walking faster to be alone and thankfully the boys got the memo. After the ceremony Estelle went straight to bed since she didn't feel like talking to the boys. "Night boys I'm a bit tired. I'll see you in the morning and walk to her dorm. She didn't get much sleep since she was too busy thinking about everything. The next morning Estelle walks into the Great Hall and sees Peter sitting by himself. "Where's the others?" she asks, sitting by him. "Common room." he says "Speaking of the devils." he adds and nods toward the door. "There they are the Infamous James Potter and Sirius Black along with their Captain Remus Lupin." Estelle jokes. "Hey Elle you look chipper this morning." "Just happy I get to spend the day with my favorite people." She says smiling. "Well glad you're happier than you were last night." James says "Oh uh yeah I am." She says avoiding his eyes. "So We have Potions first today." Remus says, trying to break the tension that was obviously there. "Ok well we should be heading there." Sirius says catching on. "You know how Slughorn is." he adds. "Oh uh yeah lets go." Estelle says standing up shortly after being followed by the boys. When they get in the class they immediately take a desk that was empty so they could sit together."Ok class today we'll be talkings about the Swelling Potion." Slughorn says walking to the front of the class once everyone is seated and settled. "Does anyone know what that is?" He asks and Elizabeth's hand shoots up. "Ah yes Ms.Lupin Is it? Can you tell us the proper definition of The Swelling Potion?" he asks "The Swelling Solution is a potion which causes whatever it touches to swell in size. Its three ingredients are bat spleens, dried nettles, and puffer-fish eyes. Fermentation is needed before it can be considered a proper stable potion." Estelle rolls her eyes. "Little miss.know-it-all." she mutters and Sirius bumps her. "Calm it Elle." he whispers.The rest of the day consists of Elizabeth answering every question and Estelle muttering mean things under her breath. By the end of the day, Estelle had a bruise from Sirius and Remus bumping her everytime she said something rude about Elizabeth. "Come on Elle, it's fine. James will probably get over her once he sees how much of a know-it-all she is." Sirius says earning a glare from Remus. "Watch it, that's my sister," he said. "Sorry." Sirius looks down. But as the year went on his 'obsession' as Sirius called it got worse and worse so she gave up and just like she said the year before she actually did like Peter now. They started hanging out more and more and she started forgetting any feelings she had towards James. "Hey Estelle?" Peter says.


"I uh I l-like y-you a-a-lot and I was w-wondering i-if you wanted to be my g-girlfriend?" He asks and her face lit up. "Of course!" She hugs him. Peter stands there in shock, leaving her worried. "Is something wrong?" She questions as he stands blank-faced.

"Nothing... I just never had a girlfriend before... I didn't think that you'd have any interest in me," he responded.

"Well if it makes you feel any better I've never had a boyfriend before," she responded, smiling softly, taking his hand reassuringly.

"So... what's next?" Peter asked. Estelle stays silent; but after a moment, she decides to lay her head on his shoulder. "I don't know but for now let's take it one day at a time." she smiles. A few weeks later Peter had started disappearing and was hardly around. Estelle started wondering if she did something wrong.



"Are we ok?" she asks "Of course we are, there's just some home problems and I don't want to drag you into it Elle." he replies hugging her. "Ok just know you can talk to me if you need to." She smiles and walks out of the common room to head to watch the boys practice quidditch, Well more James showing off and Sirius throwing bludgers at everyone while Remus hid under the bleachers. "If only you knew Ellie, If only." Peter whispers heading to his dorm.

Christmas Break (Almost)

"Are you sure everything is ok? Pete seriously because you've been more distant lately." Estelle asks worriedly. "I told you I'm ok, Elle nothing to worry about," Peter snaps. "Ok Sorry I'm going to go hang out with Sirius and Remus....." she trails off.

"Elle wait!"

But she was already walking away trying not to show she was upset with the way he treated her at that moment. She wasn't upset to the point where she was going to cry, she was upset to the point that her leaving was the best idea. Once she got to the quidditch field Remus could tell she was upset. "Elle?" he calls.


"Are you ok?" he asks. "Yeah it's just Peter, he's been more distant lately and it's bothering me." she starts twiddling her thumbs. "Oh well I think I might know what it is." he says walking off and gesturing for her to follow him. "Sirius, James!" he calls. "We need to tell her now,'' he says firmly and they nod. "Hey Tiny Black." he says barely in a whisper she almost didn't hear him... Almost. "What Potter?" she snaps. "What's possibly so important that you choose now after almost four months to talk to me?" she asks "I know and I'm sorry Elle." he apologizes. "I didn't realize it until I had actually done it and these past few months have been horrid without you Tiny." James says. She hugs him. She didn't realize how much she needed a Potter hug until they were actually hugging. "I'm sorry." she mutters. "Why?" he asks, confused. "Because I got mad at you for liking Liz which I'm happy for you." she stops to watch the realization hit him and she giggled. "Wait you-" he asks surprised. "Yes no need to say it out loud but yeah for a few months I did now me and Peter are together but I don't know how much longer..." she trails off trying to hide her tears as she looks down. "What do you mean by that?" James asks. "He's been distant lately." she says and leaves it at that and they continue to walk in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though it was a comfortable one. Once they get to the common room, Remus explains how the boys were planning on becoming Animagi so they can stay with Remus (Who Sirius had given the nickname Moony) when he turns. "I want in." she says "What no, it's too dangerous for you." Sirius said not realizing his mistake until he saw Estelles face. "So you're saying since I'm a girl It's too dangerous for me to become an Animagi?" she asks. Long story short she got her way. "So we just have to wait till after Christmas break and we can take the potion?" Sirius asks. "Yep." Estelle replies, popping the "P". 

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