The tragedy

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Back at the castle with Sirius

Sirius was walking the corridors as he saw James sitting against the wall, tears falling down his face. "Why'd you do it?" Sirius asks, sitting beside him. "I didn't want to hurt her. She wasn't supposed to find out like this Sirius." James looks at him. "As much as I want to hate you I can't because you were the reason I figured out I was in love with Remus. For the longest time I thought I was in love with you but it was just this Infatuation I had because I was in denial about Remus." He looks at James. "I had convinced myself Remus wasn't gay or that he would never love me like I loved him" James looks at him. "Does it get easier?" He asks. "Yeah but first you have to make things right with Elle or nothing is going to change." James nods. "So I was your gay awakening?" James asks jokingly. "No Bowie was" Sirius looks at him. "Are you serious?" James asks, immediately regretting his choice of words. "Yes I am" Siriusflips his hair dramatically and walks off. The next morning Estelle found herself in her bed. She didn't remember coming up here and all the girls were gone. There was a knock at the door. "Come in" she says, not bothering to look up until she feels the bed shift. "I'm sorry Estelle." she hears and she turns around. "It's fine Reggie it wasn't your fault I'm not even mad at you." She sits up. "It's my fault I told James not to tell anyone because I wasn't ready to be out and it was selfish of me to tell him not to tell you I didn't want to mess anything up." He looks down. Estelle hugs him. "Reggie I get it ok? James should've told me but I'll be fine and so will everyone else and eventually me and James will talk and make up but for now I just can't look at him." She explains. Reggie nods and they hug again. "How'd you get in?" she asks him. "Olivia I'm pretty sure she has a thing for me" he rubs the back of his neck chuckling a little. Estelle nods and smiles softly. The school year was slowly coming to an end as the months went by and the closer the end came the more James and Estelle talked. It wasn;t like before but it was still them. Estelle was in the boys dorm with tears in her eyes. "It'll be fine Elle" Remus tries to reassure her as James holds her. "I'm sixteen Remus! I can't be a mum, I'm not ready!" Sirius is glaring at James. "We'll figure this out ok Ellie?" James looks at her. "Everything will work out." she nods. "I've got to tell Reggie." she sighs. "I'll tell him ok?" James tells her. Elle nods and lays her head on James, opening her arms for Sirius and remus. They sit there and hug for what seems like forever. Estelle pulls away and wipes a tear off her cheeks. "Don't tell anyone ok? You guys, the girls and Reggie are the only people who can know." She looks at the boys. Her boys. They all nod and Sirius hugs her again. "My sisters definitely cannot know." she laughs slightly. "Definitely." James says. She looks at James. "Are you sure you'll be fine telling him?" She asks and he nods and kisses her head. "Of course Tiny Black." He smiles. "I'm going to be a dad," he smiles. She chuckles slightly. "Don't remind me." They all decided to eventually go on with their day. Remus and Sirius stayed in the dorm, James went to talk to Reggie and Estelle went back to the forest. She didn't know why she did, she just wanted to. It was like it called her. She sat at the tree she was sitting under a couple weeks ago and opened her book, beginning to read.

At the castle with Jamie poo and Reggie the drowned

James knocked on the slytherin door and waited. Regulus opened the door and smiled slightly seeing him. "Hey James, did you need something?" He tilts his head. "Do I need a reason to see my boyfriend?" He smiles slightly. "No I guess not." Regulus chuckles slightly. "I actually do need to tell you something, is your dorm empty right now?" he asks and Regulus shakes his head. "Barty and Evan are up there." He nods and Regulus steps out and closes the door. "We can talk out here, no one is in the common room besides Narcissa but she's reading right now so she won't be paying attention." James nods. "Well um Estelle is pregnant '' He tells him and Regulus's eyes widen. "Wait seriously?" James nods. "Where is she right now?" Regulus asked. "Not sure we all went our separate ways after she told us and we talked for a while." Regulus nods. "So its yours?" James nods. "I'm the only one she's been with besides Peter but that was years ago." He explains and Regulus nods. "So what does that mean?" he asks. "I don't know right now I do know that I have to be there for her and the baby and I also know I will not just leave you because of this." James smiles slightly looking up at him. Regulus kisses him. "Good"

Gryffindor dorms with Wolf boy and Paddy boy

Sirius and Remus were in the dorms and Sirius was currently sitting in Remus lap kissing him. Sirius hands roam Remus' body until they find the bottom of his shirt lifting it up. "Did you lock the door? What if Estelle or James walks in again?" Remus asks. "Love, I locked the door after Estelle left." Remus nods and tosses his shirt to the side flipping them over so he's on top. "I like when you take control." Sirius smirks slightly as Remus takes Sirius's shirt off. "I know" And he begins kissing Sirius's neck. Sirius moves his head slightly allowing more access as his boyfriend sucks and kisses his neck occasionally biting it softly. Someone knocks on the door. "Seriously guys are you fucking?" They hear James' voice. "We were about to, until you ruined it." Sirius calls and Remus gets up, opening the door. "Oh hey regulus." Remus says. "Hey" he answers. "SO Remus um we need the dorm for now" James says. "Me and Remus were using it" Sirius pouts. "Just close the curtains on your bed." Remus tells james. He nods and they walk over to James's bed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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