Chapter 2- Christmas Break

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Christmas Break 1971

"I'm going to miss all of you." Estelle says. "Well you'll have me Elle." Sirius says, wrapping his arm around his little cousin's shoulder. "And me." Remus adds. "But James, Peter and Elizabeth are leaving." She pouts "Wait Elizabeth is leaving and you're staying Remy?" Sirius asks laughing. "My Aunt and Uncle don't like me too much." he replies, shrugging. "I know that feeling." Sirius and Estelle say at the same time causing each other to laugh. "So us three are staying for christmas and you three are leaving?" Estelle says, still pouting. "Aw don't be sad Tiny Black we'll be back in a couple of weeks." James says, hugging her. "I know but I'm going to miss you Jamie." she says pulling away. "OOH JAMES AND ELLE SITTING IN A TREE." Sirius yells but stops when Remus slaps him on the shoulder. "OWWWW What was that for Remus?!" He says holding his arm dramatically. "Drama queen." Remus says, rolling his eyes. "I barely touched you." he adds. Sirius starts pouting, "Wow now look what you've done." Estelle jokes "He would've done that if I tapped him." Remus replies. "Would not!" Sirius exclaims, offended. Remus and Estelle laugh seeing the look on his face. "Anyway we should get going guys, the train is leaving soon and I don't want to be left." James says breaking their laughing fit. "Ugh fine be safe Jamie." Estelle says hugging him again. "It's only a few weeks, Tiny Black." he says reassuringly trying to comfort her. "I know I know bye." she replies, trying to hold back her tears.

Later that day

Later that day Estelle,Remus and Sirius were sitting in the Gryffindor Common Room bored out of their minds. "So Estelle?" Sirius interrupts the peaceful silence. "Hm?" "Do you like James?" he asks. "No, I like Peter." She blurts. "What?" she says to herself. "You gave me Veritaserum didn't you?" she asks angrily. "We wanted to know who you liked and we knew you wouldn't have told us!" Sirius says defensively. "Not us, Sirius wanted to know I already knew." Remus informs her, glaring at him. "Sorry Elle! Please don't kill me. Wait Remus knew before me?" "Sirius, you're my cousin I would've told you eventually but Remus had told me about the wolf thing sooo...." she trails off "So you felt like you needed to tell him a secret." "yeah you did the same thing didn't you?" "Yeah but I told him something you already knew." "I also had to find out for myself Siri we spent way too much time together for me not to know you was gay." "Oh sorry." "Stop saying sorry so much." she looks at him "Sorry I mean ok I'm going to bed I'm a bit tired." He says getting up and walking to bed. "Are you sure you're ok?" Estelle asks worriedly. "Yeah just a lot going on with mum and dad disowning me." he replies. "I promise I'm ok Elle and if i wasn't i'd tell you ok?" He kisses her forehead. "Yeah ok goodnight Sirius, I love you." She looks at him. "I love you too good night." he walks up to the boys dormitories. "He's not ok and I can tell Remy." she tells her friend. "That's Sirius for you." he rolls his eyes. "I know but I'm scared I lost him once and I don't want it to happen again." she looks down. "It won't he'll tell us eventually you're his cousin and best friend he tells you everything Elle." he puts his hand over heres and rubs his thumb over her knuckles reassuringly. "Yeah you're right, maybe he will." he scoots over on the couch where he was sitting so she could get off the floor where she was sitting. She gets up and lays her head in his lap. "It'll be fine Elle." is the last thing she hears before falling into a peaceful sleep. On Christmas Elle woke up to Remus and Sirius pulling her off of her bed. "Guysssss." she groans. "Get up, it's Christmas!" Sirius exclaims. "No," she says bluntly. "It's three in the morning." she rolls back over. "Come on, we want to show you something." Remus says, jumping on her bed. "Ugh fine." She gets up and drags her tired body to the bathroom to change. Once she's ready she grabs a jacket and follows the boys. "So what was so important that you two had to wake me up at three in the morning???" she asks grumpily. "This." Sirius replies as they walk into the Common Room that was decorated like they did at home. "We knew you didn't want to miss out on Christmas from home so we brought it to you." Sirius smiles and Elle hugs him. "And by we he means himself it was all his idea I just helped decorate." Remus tells her and she hugs him also. "Thank you thank you thank you." she repeated. "You're welcome." Remus smiles softly. "So was this worth waking up at three in the morning for?" Remus jokes and she nods. They open presents and joke around for the rest of the day waiting for their other two friends to return to the place they'll call home for the rest of their lives even after they graduate. 

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