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The beginning

"Omg yes he is so cute I swearrrrr!" Yeji squealed.

"He really is!" Lia agreed along with her.

While the two of my friends were busy fangirling and fantasizing about the captain on the basketball team, I sat kind of distant.

Staring at Bae.
She's easily one of the most attractive person in our class. Matter fact in our school. She has so much people drooling over her. I'm mainly one of the them.

"What about you Y/n?" Yeji asked. Lia and Yeji's attention turning towards me. I snapped out of my trance and looked up to them.

"There's no one really." I shrugged.

"Really? Not anyone comes to mind that you think is somewhat cute." Lia questioned.

Yes! Bae Jinsol!

"No really there's no one." I giggled, lying again.

"Ok..." Lia teased.

As Yeji changed the conversation I continued on my lurking and staring Bae, who stood across the class talking with her group of friends.

Biology Class

"Ok students, you all will be switching seats today." The biology teacher Mrs.Heo greeted.

Half the class groaned after hearing the announcement.

A couple of moments after Mrs.Heo assigned some students to new seats she turned her attention onto me. "Y/N you'll be with Bae."


Inside I was screaming and doing my happy dance but of course I had to keep it cool by showing no emotion on the outside and nodding.

Both me and Bae walked all the way to the back table and took our new seats next to each other.

"Ain't this bullshit?" Bae questioned, rolling her eyes.

"Yep it for real is." I said trying my best to play cool.

For the next period me and Bae never really spoke a word towards each other, neither did the whole class really since the teacher was giving out a lesson on a new unit we were working on.

As usual though I didn't feel like doing the work so I just doodle on my journal pretending to take notes so I wouldn't get in trouble.

"Nice artwork."

I looked up from my journal and saw Bae glancing at me and my art giving a small smile.

"Thanks." I replied back, giving her a full smile.

"You know.. I would totally pay you money if you draw me a badass picture of myself." Bae admired.

"Really?" I looked at her in amusement and confusion.

"Hell yeah you're real talented!-" Bae got cut off her complimenting by a ding on her phone. As she opened her phone to look at her text message an expression of pissed, sadness, confusion, and shock flashed across her face.

She scoffed before giving a long sigh, turning off her phone.

"Everything alright?" I asked.

Bae just looked at me not saying a word before turning her attention on the teacher's lesson.

What the fuck?

After Biology class.

I put all my books in my locker getting ready to finally leave school when Bae suddenly approached me.

"Hey Y/n... Sorry about my attitude earlier, its just I had received some fucked up news from someone and I had to process it. Can I make it up to you by giving you my number."

This was random but also my opportunity so of course I went for it.


A huge smile crept on Bae's face. She pulled up out her phone and handed me it. I dialed my number in before handing it back to her.

She then saved the contact.

"Text you later." She waved goodbye and went the opposite way.

10:43 p.m.

I laid on my back in my bed. My mind playing the moment over and over where I gave Bae's my number.

*DING* My phone went off.

I looked at it and saw a message from Bae.

'Goodnight💓' the text read.

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