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"Who are you texting?" I asked looking over to Bae.

We were at my house while my mom was out in the store.
A couple minutes ago we had just got done being intimate so I was in a large shirt with no pants on and Bae was in a sports bra with shorts. We laid on the bed cuddled close together filling in each others company but I still felt a distant vibe from her.

"I'm texting my mom she's been bugging me lately." She shrugged  not taking her eyes off the small screen for a small second.

I snuggled up closer between her shoulder and the crook of her neck but she slightly pushed away, trying to avoid me seeing her phone screen.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I said.

"Ok.." She said still not paying that much mind to me.

I walked to my closet grabbed my towel and went into the bathroom.


After my nice long heated shower I went back into my room and saw Bae's sudden disappearence. "Bae?" I called out no answer.
Speaking of the devil I then received a sudden message from her on my phone

'I had to leave because of an emergency with my mom love you.'
The text had read.

I flopped down onto my bed feeling sudden insecurity. Feeling a sudden gut instinct that Bae wasn't telling the truth.

I tried to not over think but I just couldn't anymore. I had a sudden breakdown as always lately, stressing badly over her and the fate between us.
I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't.

I felt it in my bones that she was lying and this could be her tricks again.

I felt sudden anger through my grief realizing how stupid and low worth I've become. I can't lose my dignity over her no more.
I paced back and forth for a bit before coming to my final decision
I hesitantly grabbed my phone and tapped onto Bae's contact and sent the message "We're done."

I put down my phone with a shaky sigh trying to gather myself together.

Tears. Tears of relief suddenly came flowing out my eyes. That feeling of a huge brick on my chest suddenly lifted off. Like I could breath again and my heart was at a normal rate.

I looked up to the ceiling letting realization sink in on what I have done. I started to cry harder, regret mixed with joy.

Am I finally free now?

(Sorry for the short chapter but I just thought why not have Y/n a relief chapter for once💓😭)

Also I just released a new Nmixx FF book on my account please read it and have it become viral like this book, love you guys good night/morning💓💓💓.

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