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As the weeks went by, me and Bae's bond grew tighter and tighter. Almost every single day we would hang out or do something together. Texting, late FaceTime calls, going to random spots together, and etc. We even started holding hands casually as we we would walk through the hallways at school.

Bae would always joke to her own friend group on how I'm basically her girlfriend at this point. Even though I laugh along the  joke with her deep down inside, I wish it wasn't a joke. I wish it was serious.

My attraction for her blossomed and blossomed like a pretty rose.

Lunch period

"So are you guys soon going to be a thing?" Yeji joked.

"Ugh I wish!!" I said. Making Yeji and Lia laugh.

"Its like I really want to confess that I've been having these feelings for her since freshman year but the only thing that's holding me back is if she rejects me and who the fuck wants that." I sighed.

Lia slowly rubbed my back as a comforting gesture.
"Just do what's best for you at the end of the day."

I nodded to Lia's words as I looked to the left , I was being met with a sight of Bae's ex, Jinni.

Her dark eyes staring hard cutting deep at me.
She gave me a strong disturbed look. Fiddling her fingers a little bit, like she was nervous about something.

"Hey Y/n." I snapped out of my staring battle with Jinni and turned back around being met with Bae softly smiling all in my face.
"Can you come to the girls bathroom with me? Its urgent."

A look of hope took over her eyes. Damn she must really want me to go with her. I quickly looked at Lia and Yeji, hope is also written all over there face.

I got up from my chair but as soon as I did Bae tightly grabbed my wrist yanking me damn near from the table and out of the cafeteria into the girls bathroom.

"Bae!-" Bae pushed me in a stall and came in behind me locking the stall door.

My heartbeat dropped in my ass, I was shaking a little wondering what the hell was about to happen.

I looked down at the floor refusing to make eye contact until I felt a hand cup my chin and pulled my face back up.

"Look at me."

I gulped. My throat and lips feeling suddenly dry.

"You don't have to be scared Y/n. It'll be quick. She traced her finger tips all the way to my shoulders having a firm grip on it as she continued to stare, reassuring me not to be scared.

Bae took her other hand and elegantly placed it on my left cheek. Her face growing closer to mines.

" This is what I've been wanting to do since freshman year." She whispered.

My eyes closed. Ready to feel her lips her connect to mine.

Here it comes Y/n.

There it was. The connection of electricity.
Our lips connecting together like a puzzle piece.

After school.

I didn't tell Lia and Yeji about my kiss yet. Not yet.
Each step I took to my locker was bounced with excitement as I couldn't stop thinking about my moment with her.

"Y/n? Jinni. Jinni walked up to me. Fuck.

" Yes?" I answered back. Keeping my guard up immediately in case this girl tried anything.

"Don't do it. Don't fall for Bae."
" Excuse me?"
"Bae likes to play games. Trust me. That's why we broke up because she kept being so confusing. I know we don't know each other that well but please take my word when I say that Bae is the last person you would want to be with. She has foolish tendencies." Jinni explained.

Before I could say something back she walked away quickly.

What the hell?

You know what? Maybe she's just lying. Maybe she's just trying to get under my skin. Yea that's exactly how most bitter ex's are.

I stopped by Bae locker and luckily she was there putting in some books.

Here it goes Y/N

She turned around slightly, noticing my presence.
"Hey Y/n."

"Heyyy. Look I'm going to try to make this quick but um, when we had that kiss it made me do a lot of thinking. I was wondering if you would like to go out. On a date?"

Panic flashed over Bae's face. She glanced around everywhere looking at anything but me before answering.

"No. You're just a friend."

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