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'No you're just a friend'

Stuck hard with me.

After that whole heated kiss and touching up on each other in the stall, she decides to just reject me like that. How could she lead me on like that?

You know what her ex, Jinni was right.
She really is confusing.

I can't belie-

"I'm sorry about yesterday."
I got cut from my deep thought. Being interrupted by Bae coming up to my school locker.
Her expressions and body language screamed "Anxious."
Glancing nervously, fiddling with her fingers, slowly rocking side to side, and biting her lip.
What's up with her?

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I'm sorry about rejecting your offering to take me on a date. Its just that ever since I got out of my relationship with Jinni its been hard for me to actually get into another committed relationship because I'm scared to get hurt again!" She cried.

"You're so sweet and genuine...I just don't want things between us to fuck up! I got scared when you asked me out but after deep consideration, I would like to try again." She vented.

I softly bit my lip. Trying to observe Bae, wondering if it was truly sincere and finding it strange how both Jinni and Bae had different sides to the story on how they broke up.

"I'll think about it." Is the only thing I could say before slamming my locker shut and walking away, still hearing soft cries from Bae.


I didn't pay attention to most classes. I almost forgot to eat something during lunch. Especially with the fact that throughout the school day my phone kept being blown up by Bae's text messages.

'I'm really sorry!!!

Meet me up in the bathroom again'

Meet me after school. We can get something to eat'

I'm sorry'

I really care about you y/n'

'what class are you in?


The messages just never stopped.

I walked through the hallways getting ready to meet up Lia for French class when I felt a sudden buzz from my phone.

'Meet me at the Han River Park after school please?

I let out a long exaggerated sigh, rolling my eyes.
Fuck it.

'Fine' was the only thing I could text back.
I became sick of her spamming my phone and trying to avoid her all day for the rest of school.

Han River Park

The cold breeze kissed my skin as the cold wind rushed so hard it made my eyes watery a bit. Shivering a bit I looked down at my phone checking the time. 3:36 p.m. The phone had read.

I sighed picking up my backpack getting ready to walk out.

"Sorry I'm late I was picking up some stuff for you!" Bae spoken out loud.

I turned around.
She hold a big bouquet of lilies with chocolates, hot funyuns, and mango tea. My favorite.

I couldn't help but smile.
"Awe Thanks."

Bae walked over and handed me all the stuff. Once we found a nice spot in the park and we sat down Bae pulled me into a tight desperate hug.

I didn't hug back though and Bae noticed that. She pulled out of the hug hanging her head in embarrassment a bit.

"I'm glad you agreed to come meet me." She awkwardly smiled.

"You really confused me Bae." I looked down at the green grass.

"I understand and I owe you an explanation. Okay so this is how it all began ..."

Time skip

"And yea she cheated on me. She got mad that I found out and made up this lie that I was the villain of the relationship." Bae explained.

I felt guilty. I did nothing but pull her real close to me, her head resting on my shoulder.

"You for real forgive me?" She asked, looking up at me for reassurance.

I gave her a wide smile. "Yes."

"And another thing I owe is by asking YOU on a date, so.... Will you go on a date with me?"

I nodded proudly. Bae pulled me into a kiss. The same electric kiss we shared in the stall.

We pulled apart from each in unison. Letting out sigh of relief.

I felt nothing but a heartbeat of excitement knowing everything was good again.

Or so I thought.

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