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Its been a month since Jiwoo died.
A month since I've seen Bae.
A month since I've talked to anyone.
A month since I've done anything.

I sat on my bed continuing to stare at a childhood photo of Me and Jiwoo. The picture brought me back memories. Making me remember vividly.

It was Jiwoo's 8th birthday party.
We both dressed up as fairy princesses with our fake wands smiling hard into the picture showing our missing front teeth.
We ended up getting sick and throwing up at her party because we ate too much chocolate cake but we had so much fun lmao.

The good memory turned into a sad one.

Making me cry hard again. Feeling all shaken up. No more eating cake with her, no more smiling with her, no more hanging with her anymore.

"Meet me at Han River." My phone dinged.
Message from Bae.

I scoffed so hard. The fucking audacity of this girl.

You know what..fuck it.

I put on my slippers. Stretching out my arms and legs preparing to be out for the first time in a while. I need closure. I need it.

At the Han River Park

Bae was standing silently right next to the tree staring off into the air. I walked up standing next to her also silently staring off waiting for her to break the silence. But it seems like she was waiting for me to do it instead.

"She's dead because of you. Murderer."

"It was an accident!" She bursts out yelling into tears.
I look to her. "You're fucking crying? You sabotaged my life and killed the girl that actually loved me and you're fucking crying!?"
I raised my voice.

Bae looked back into my eyes. Tears welling while her bottom lip trembled. "Its just that I really love you."

"Fuck you! Ok!? Fuck you! Since day 2 of us being together you've always been about yourself and started paying close attention to me when you notice I'm doing well without you!! You're self centered, selfish, A hypocrite, narcissist, manipulator, and a fucking foolish person all wrapped up in one. You are sad pathetic person. You are a murderer."

All Bae could do was cry. Trying to drown me out with her sobs so I could feel sympathy.

"Stop fucking crying! You're only sorry because it backfired on you!!".

That's all it took for her to finally stop crying.
Wiping her eyes. Her face going emotionless. There goes her true form.

" Did you ever once loved me?" My voice cracked.

No answer.

"DID YOU!?" I raised my voice high to irk a reaction out of her.

"No.I never did. I only got with you to make Jinni jealous. Happy? Is that the answer you wanted."

"Fuck you." I gritted through my teeth coldly anger bubbling out of me even more.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!" I started hitting her. Giving her hits on her head, chest, and shoulders.

"Stop!" She finally held back my hands

"Fuck you!!...fuck youu." My voice softened starting to choke on my sobs.

I backed away from her.
"My life was perfectly fine until I started to know you personally! I hope you drop dead." The last words I said to Bae before running out the park and onto the dark busy street.

8:48 p.m.

It felt like it was just me on the street in my own world.
Having the hugest breakdown thinking about Bae before I knew her to become a total psycho. I hugged myself continuing to cry hard closing my eyes drowning everything out.

The only thing I could hear left was distant honking before I heard it real close.

I turned around and saw a big flash from the car honking at me.
Hearing one last big honk before I saw nothing but black.

My eyes fluttered open. Seeing nothing but white for a second until I sat up and was outside on the lawn in front of this house.
The house looked very familiar.
I felt sudden peace inside as I was realized it was Jiwoo's old childhood home.

I looked around observing it was the only house on the street surrounded by pale lighting and white clouds.

Jiwoo suddenly appeared making me gasp for a bit feeling tears come out my eyes.
She waved and smiled at me making a 'come here' gesture for me to come to her.

                                              The end

Hope you guys genuinely enjoyed this book and don't forget to check out my other two books!

Hope you guys genuinely enjoyed this book and don't forget to check out my other two books!

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