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Ever since me and Bae's suspension had ended and we came back together the school has been filled with nothing but gossip and disturbed stares toward us. I've been starting to feel self conscience about it but Bae has been feeding my mind with thoughts to not worry about it or people are just jealous.

I was at my locker taking out some books for my next class until my locker randomly slammed shut.

I jumped back and looked to the jerk that did that.
It was Yeji. Lia wasn't around though. Lia has never been around me lately and started to keep distance.

"So you can forgive her but not me?!" She yelled aggressively.
"Bae came onto me and I didn't know what to do so I just stood there but honestly that was real fucking dumb of me and im sorry for that because it wasn't worth losing our friendship, but you know what's even more dumb ..you. Bae is giving you all types of bullshit and you're just taking it all in and pushing away others from you, letting her do whatever. Before you know it Bae could for real cheat on you and give you some " oh but I love you!" Excuse and next thing you know you're eating it up and riding onto her like a fucking useless horse. Then next thing you know Bae's gonna finally admit herself she never gave a shit about you and then you're going to be weeping wondering drunk like "where did I go wronggg?". I miss the old you already. Because the old you would never act like this and act like a cunt and being controlled like a Muppet. But who knows maybe you were a dickrider all along for people deep down inside but hide it really well, but not anymore. You're A weak cunt and if Bae ever says she loves you..trust me she's probably only saying that to get her ego up and because she sees you as a toy." Yeji then walked off.

I couldn't even find the exact words to say back.
It felt like a slap to the face and a reality check Yeji gave me with her words.
"Fuck you!" Is the only thing I could mutter out before quickly running into the bathroom to hide my crying in my embarrassment.

I rushed through the bathroom door and was instantly met with Jinni. Bae's ex.

She saw my eyes already looking irritated from crying.
She rolled her eyes. Scoffing and giving a disbelief smirk like she knew deep down inside what happened.
"I hope you no longer become lost." Is the only thing she coldly said before walking towards the bathroom exit, purposely bumping into my shoulder.

"What!! What the fuck is that supposed to mean Jinni!?" I cried.Feeling more frustrated.

She turned around to me looking at me with utter boredom and annoyance. That made me feel uncomfortable a bit so I straightened up my posture a bit.

"The first time I realized you liked Bae I immediately told you not to go with Bae because you were gonna end up all fucked up in the end. Now look at you."

I grabbed her wrist in desperation. "But its not my fau-"
"Fault." She interrupted. "Let me guess she also gaslight and manipulated into making it seem like everything is your fault and feel like you owe her?"

I gasped at her statement a little bit.
"Yeah why do you think I broke up with her. Don't become foolish like her, unless you already are."

She brushed her wrist out of my grip and walked out the bathroom. I walked up to the mirror trying to touch up my hair taking in a shaky breath before letting all my sobs out.

Lunch period

It was a nice weather today so I decided to meet up Bae outside on the bleachers on the football field for lunch. I walked down the shortcut of the hallway that lead to the exit of the building and the entrance of the field. In the corner of the exit Bae was already there. Caressing and giving seductive compliments to a random girl, making the other random girl giggle hard.

Its like Bae immediately noticed my presence because she immediately turned to my direction and when she saw my sight she pushed the girl away acting uninterested all of a sudden.

She held a harsh grip on my hand.
"Are you kidding me!?" I spoke out loud.

She groaned in annoyance.
"Let's not do this shit again. Okay its already embarrassing enough as it is and you adding more to it is real foolish of you. You look beautiful by the way." She spoke almost emotionless as if she was telling me everything I wanted to hear.

What have I become? Yeji and Jinni is right.

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