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What the fuck.

I walked up to the both of them.
Ready to beat the brakes out of both of them.

"Um what the fuck is this?" I walked up to the both of them. Both of them freezing in place.

"Its nothing." Bae walked away.
'I know this girl ain't walking away from me' I thought to myself.

I gave a sharp glare to Yeji. She whimpered quietly out of fear.
"I'll deal with your ass later."

I walked away quickly trying to catch up to Bae.
It didn't take long for me to spot her presence. I immediately started running so I wouldn't lose sight of her again.

"Bae! Bae!" I yelled, my voice filled with desperation and anger.

She started walking faster.

"You are acting like one shady bitch right now." I yelled real loud, alarming the other students around me but I didn't care. I was too determined on Bae.

"Seriously why the fuck are you trying to walk away!! Why were you being all touchy with my best friend. Hello?!!!"

Bae kept walking faster and faster with each step ignoring me.

I sped up a bit faster, finally catching her. I grabbed and yanked her right arm hard as fuck forcing her to turn to me.
"You ask me to be your girlfriend but yet is already pulling shit like this!! You're fucking weird bro!"

"Get the fuck off me!" Bae shoved me hard as hell making me fall hard on my ass. I heard gasps and whispers around me.


I stood back up on my feet and punched her dead in her mouth.
Blood suddenly oozing out of her mouth. Even when she clasped her hand on her mouth to hold back the bleeding the blood seeped  through her fingers.

I threw my backpack off of me holding my fist up ready for what's about to come.

Bae charged at me like a bull.

The other students that now crowded around us starting yelling
A whole bunch of "ooo shit!", " damnnnn!, and "beat her assss!"

At one point we were just tugging and wrestling at each other. I refused to let this bitch throw me on the floor until I lost sudden footing, I tumbled to the floor but I was gripping so hard on her shirt she fell right on top of me.

"You stupid bitch I'm gonna fuck you up!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I wrapped my legs around her torso flipping us in  reverse position.
Me now being on top of her.

She threw some hits and I did the same.

I threw four more punches until I felt myself getting pulled off roughly by two security guards and three more picking up Bae and holding her back.

We both threw curse words at each other as the security guards tried their hardest to pull us apart.

The principle then came out into the middle of the circle.

"Everybody get to class and you two in the office with me now!"

The crowd quickly dispersed.

As I got escorted to the office by security, still feeling heated by what just happened.

I felt huge regret. I regret it. I regret everything. I regret crushing on her from the start.

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