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"Can I open a window I feel hot." I asked impatiently. Feeling still nausea and dazed mixed with sweating a bit.

Bae just nodded her head as approval.
I pushed down the window button making the window go down.
The pressure of the fast but cool wind immediately hitting my face. I closed my eyes taking in all the air. Leaning my head towards the window no longer feeling hot anymore.

As I was taking in the wind, enjoying it in a almost peaceful conscious I felt a big stare on me. I slightly open my eyes a bit and saw Bae staring deep at me no longer paying attention to the road.

"Pay attention to the fucking road." I snapped.
Bae started glancing back and forth to the road and me, still not saying anything. I started feeling weird and uncomfortable.
Why did Bae give me a ride in the first place?

"You know I busted your lip right? Why are you still associating with m..me." I said in a low tone, almost like a whisper.

"Because I deserved it. I was being weird and couldn't give you an explanation about what you saw and I became physical."
Bae looked at the road while explaining before full on staring back at me.

"Plus you're drunk. It'll feel weird if I let you alone just because over some silly feud."

Omg she was kinda making sense? But it wasn't over no silly feud though. She full on openly flirted with my friend.

I started looking around the car and eventually looked in the backseat. There was a big pack of beer cans.
Bae looked at me again, noticing that I noticed the beer cans.

"Want one?"

"No...I couldn't I already drunk enough." I refused.

Bae took her attention off the road and reached for the backseat but she had accidentally took her hand off the steering wheel making the car do a huge swerve.

"Aa!" I squealed.

Making Bae quickly go back to the steering wheel.
Once she gained control of the car she started laughing at what happened.
"It's not funny! We could've gotten killed!" I protested.
Bae started laughing even harder "Oh really?"
"Yes really!" I said in a scared but aggressive tone.

Bae purposely swerved the car again to get another reaction out of me. "Baeeeeee!" I yelled.

She started doing it again and again swerving left and right down the road.

"OH MY GOD!!!! BAE!!!!" I started laughing a bit as it started getting fun and fun and more fun as the fact we were the only ones in the street in this dark hour.

We both then started full on laughing along with yelling of cheer.
One point I even had my head out the window making joy of whoops. I don't know what came over me. I still blame the alcohol.

I went in the back getting out 5 beer cans.

Bae took 2 I took 3.

I started gulping down the first and second beer can under 6 minutes. I felt everything starting to twist and turn, becoming even more drunk then before.

I turned on the radio and started sloppily singing along with it.
"I love you spoooo please let me goooooo!"
I sung at the top of my lungs.

I started sensually dancing to the music touching on my body as I mouthed the words having the time of my life at the moment. I looked over and saw Bae smirking at me while drinking her can. An expression then came over her face, like she came up with an idea.

I then felt a sudden touch on my thigh.
Bae started caressing my thigh moving her hand gently up and down while glancing between me and the road but mostly having her attention on me.

I sat still letting her touch my thigh.
Making me starting to feel things. Sexual things. I sometimes get like that when tipsy.

Even though the window was down I started feeling hot again.
Maybe because of my slight horniness I started feeling.

I put my hand on top of hers gripping it so she could grip my thigh. "What's stopping you?" I whispered with my eyes starting to hang low.


We made it to Bae's house. She said her parents weren't home.

As soon as we walked through the door we started grabbing on each other kissing each other roughly, tasting the alcohol on each other's tongue.

She pinned me to a wall grabbing me tight on my waist while also trying to tug down my pajama pants.

I pulled apart and started leaving sloppy but desperate kisses all over her neck. Moaning in lightly in her ear into the sensation she was giving me as I did the same to her.

She used her strength and picked me up. I immediately locked my legs tight around her torso pulling her in even more closer to me.
Our bodies wrapped tight around each other.

"Take me to your bed." I whispered a little but it came off more as a moan.

Bae let me down and grabbed on my wrist pulling me up the stairs with her.

The next morning

I fluttered my eyes open. The sunshine seeping through the window shades. I felt a bit of a hangover but I felt way more sober than last night.

I looked around and saw I was in Bae's room.
I looked over to my left and saw Bae still knocked out asleep with one arm hooked over my waist as she lightly snore.
We were both naked under the sheets.

I then realized what have happened last night.

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