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"Jiwoo stay with us! Try to breath!" The paramedic tried to calmly say in a panic manner. Jiwoo laid helpless on the hospital stretcher with her head all wrapped up in bandages and hooked up to an oxygen tank as she still laid unconscious being rushed to the hospital.

I stayed right there with her the whole time, entering the ambulance truck and sitting beside trying to make her gain some consciousness by talking to her and assuring her everything will be fine with the paramedic but we got nothing. The little monitor connected to her heartbeat showed how slow her heart was beating. I prayed silently in my head hoping that Jiwoo would survive. A part of me was sure of it because Jiwoo was a fighter and didn't give up easily but another part of me couldn't help but think she was already gone mentally and spiritually and she was holding onto life physically for just a little bit more.

I lightly grabbed her hand and had a firm grip on it. Continuing to pray for her life as the truck started to drive away from the school area.

At the hospital

I couldn't stop crying. No matter how hard I tried and to try thinking of the positive I couldn't. I was all too shaken.

I paced back and forth feeling stressed and not knowing what to do. Suddenly I saw Lia and Yeji running down the hospital hallway towards me. Lia was the first one to pull me in a hug, Yeji soon joined. I was surprised but a hug is just what I needed I had  sobbed like a baby into their arms feeling so apologetic for everything. Feeling apologetic that I put Jiwoo in this situation, feeling apologetic about the hell I went through, feeling apologetic about pushing away the people that cared about me for my foolish relationship, and most importantly feeling apologetic for laying my eyes and crushing on Bae. Maybe if I was acting smart from the beginning all of this could've been prevented.

"We heard what happen we're so sorry. We just felt like you needed a friend or two." Lia whispered slowly rubbing my back.
"We love you y/n." Yeji sadly smiled.

I tried to form words and respond back to their comforting gestures but the pain was just too heavy for me.

"I...I need...air." I finally spoke out. Lia and Yeji complied by walking me out the hospital and into the parking lot to get a breath of fresh breeze.

"I'm sorry.." I spoke through my tears, gently laying my head on Yeji's shoulder. "Its ok." She sofly spoke back. "I'm proud of you for leaving her."

I ironically scoffed at her statement. It was ironic because it felt like no matter how much I escape from Bae I'm still in a deep chain by her and she always pops up in my life.

I feel that I won't find true freedom or peace until I know for a fact Bae is out of my life.

Yeji and Lia decided to go back inside the hospital to get me a small cup of water while I sat on a little bench outside the hospital area. Sitting deep in thought with a blank stare on my face and dried tears.

Couple hours later..

After Jiwoo's parents arrived at the hospital, I decided to go home. Take a long bath and take a long sleep but I couldn't sleep. I was restless.

The moment of Jiwoo hitting her head replaying over and over in my head. Bae. Bae.Bae. Memories of Bae kept playing in my head the good and the bad.

Going into deep thought I had drifted off to sleep.
But my phone went off making me jolt awake.

I opened the text message. It was from Haewon, one of Jiwoo's friends.

Hey Y/N sorry to text you this late but I unfortunately want to let you know that Jiwoo had a large crack in her skull causing a big head injury and it hurts me to say but she didn't make it. Her parents are planning a small vigil for her already...text me back if you would like to join us.

(New book has come out! Nmixx and Itzy)

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