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"Oh fuck..." I whispered lowly.

I slowly unwrapped her arms around my waist and stepped out of bed putting on my bra and underwear.

As I moved around the room trying to gather my stuff the wooden floor kept creaking a bit making sounds. Making me curse at myself a little.

"Leaving so soon?" She groaned.

I rolled my eyes feeling stupidity. I stood there in silence before regaining composure.
"Bae what we did was wrong."
"But it felt so right."
"But its still wrong. I can't just be mad at you and then let you take advantage!" I yelled in annoyance.

Bae chuckled in disbelief.

"What the fuck is so funny!?"

"You took advantage of me."

Hold the fuck up I know I was drunk and all last night but I know for a fact she made the first move.

"No I didn't you did!"

"No...." Bae slowly roses up from the bed "you did."

"I just wanted to give you a ride and you decided to take one too many beers and start being seductive and touch on me. I told you to stop but you kept encouraging the idea of us hooking up."

"No. I. Didn't." I said lowly. Feeling anger starting to boil up inside me.

"Yes you did. You're in the wrong. I was drunk too you know." She spoke mischievous.

"W-what..I.." I started going into deep thought trying to remember everything from last night. As I was in deep thought Bae walked closer to me inching her face closer to mines. Not caring if I saw her nude body.

"You're a terrible person. A hypocrite. You go off on Yeji for this shit but is yet willing to persuade me." She gave a phony innocent look.

I started backtracking on my thoughts, Did I?...N-n-no... I.. Couldn't.. She touched me first-

"How could you?!" Tears started running down her face. "How could you start confusing me like this. Last night you got me all the drinks and started seducing me but yet you vent on how you hate me!! I've never stooped this low like you before. You said you loved me....but you don't mean that shit."

Y/n....breath....she's just trying to guilt trip...She's trying to get under your head and skin....breath and stand on what you know for a fact happened.

"No." I finally spoke out. Tears started to swell up but not out of sadness, but out of stress and anger.

"You came onto me first.. I know I was drunk..because-"

Bae quickly cut me off with an aggressive yell. Starting to put fear in me.

"You brought those cans from the gas station!!! You brought them into my car and purposely gave them to me!!! You hurt me Y/n!!"

I started shaking my head left and right.
No. I was at the gas station and..and then...Fuck! What happened after!!! I couldn't lie about being drunk though I know I couldn't-

"WHAT THE FUCK!!WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!WHAT THE FUCKKKK IS ACTUALLY WRONG WITH YOU!!!" She screamed in anger at the top of her lungs. Tears falling down endlessly. "How dare you try to pin this on me. Making me feel even worse about losing you...how could you."

She dropped down to the floor, curdling into a fetal position sobbing and shaking uncontrollably her face turning red a bit.

I felt a rush of adrenaline, confusion, and guilt.
As I watched in shock no knowing what to do.
Had I gotten it all wrong. Was I the one that actually escalated things more??...omg I'm horrible. Maybe even worse.

I knelt down beside her, crying quietly shaking a little.
I put my shaky hand on her shoulder.
"I'm s-sorry...that I hurt you." I whispered.

She looked up to me. Tears smeared practically all over her face.
"If you really loved me. You'd prove it by giving me a chance."

Something struck in me. But I couldn't. Not after all that's happened.

"You owe me." She spoke in a dark demanding tone. Putting fear into me like I was a little child not knowing what to do.

"Y/n please...I've been suicidal and anxious over what's been happening... That's where I'm at. I love you deeply so much that I'll kill myself if we never spoke again."

I shuttered. Feeling too much pressure on me.

Monday Morning.

As Bae and I walked through the doors of the entrance of the school we were met with immediate stares, gasp, and whispers.
Me and Bae were walking next to each other holding hands.

I felt scared a little, even ashamed. A look of doubt started coming across my face. Bae noticed it. She squeezed my hand tightly looking at me sternly. Making my face go back emotionless.

manipulation and gaslight at its finest.•

(Petition to get Bae out of here we don't claim manipulators. Free my girl Y/n🙄)

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