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"Tickets here! Get your tickets here for the spring dance!"
Shouted the student.

Spring formal was coming up in 2 weeks and pretty much everyone was excited, including me besides it doesn't every hurt every once in a while to get all glamorous and show off to everyone.

"Hey! I got us tickets for the dance." Bae cheered running up to me. Something seemed different she seemed..less colder, I like it.

"Aw thanks! I'm so excited!" I said.
"Me too! I can't wait to show you my awesome moves" she teased.

I wanted to ask her so badly where did all this energy come from but I didn't want to ruin it and have her turn all dark again so I just ran with it.


The school day turned out pretty well and I actually had fun hanging with Bae which was refreshing since I haven't had that feeling in a while.

It was now after school and Bae and I had bid our goodbyes with kiss and hugs promising to call each other the following day.
I was overall excited looking forward to after school because I was able to go dress shopping and Jiwoo was gonna come with me. It's been a while since me and Jiwoo hung out in person so I was left with nervous and excitement.


At my house I was in my bedroom playing some dumb game on my phone to spare the time of me waiting for Jiwoo to pick me up. Even with playing this addicting game I got bored and turned off my phone starting to wonder where the hell Jiwoo was at.

"I'm outside!" The text message popped up on my phone screen with a loud ding.


I grabbed my purse and walked out my bedroom door rushing down the stairs.

"Jiwoo is here! I'll be back around 6!" I shouted towards my mom while walking out the door.

I ran over to her car and quickly hopped in.
"Jayyyyy!!!" I squealed
"Awww I've missed you so muchhhhhh!" She yelled back pulling me into a tight side hug.


As we were on the road listening to songs and catching up on things the topic of Bae suddenly came up.

"So how have things been going?" She asked, taking her eyes off the road for a quick second.

"Its been fine I guess. Its just been difficult but everything was really good with us today."


"Yea, I guess I have hope."

She side eyed me and smacked her lips with her tongue sarcastically.

"After all the shit you told me about her you have hope? I should slap you."


"Look I love you but whatever happens at the end deserves to happen. You deserve way more than that girl. Literally I could love you better than her. She's not worth it Y/n."

I stayed silent being exhausted with everyone telling me the same damn thing. Just let me figure it out myself. I don't know exactly how to deal with Bae and I don't know how I want things to end with Bae. I want it to end on a good note and I hope it does but I don't know. At this point I don't fucking know.

"I'm just tired." I finally said breaking the awkward silence for a bit.

"It'll be ok Y/n but just start thinking for yourself with common sense ok?" She made a comforting gesture by touching my thigh.

I looked at her "Ok." I gave her the hardest fake smile I could.
For the rest of the hangout I tried my hardest to not let Bae run through my mind and instead enjoy the time with Jiwoo.

At Bae's house.

Moans filled the room between Jinni and Bae.
Both of them heavily kissing each other and filling each other with ecstasy. Jinni started leaving hard kisses on Bae's neck, forming hickeys on her neck.

"Stop! What if Y/n asks me about these hickeys!?"

"Cover them up with makeup duh." Jinni giggled before continuing to leave kisses on Bae here and there.

SMFH Bae!!🙄

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