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"That was sooooo fun!" Bae gleefully shouted.

I giggled at her hyper excitement.

"What I really loved the most was the laser tag hahaha remember when you fell right on your ass!" She laughed hard.

"It wasn't funny! My ass is still sore!" I tried to hold my laughter so I could seem serious.

"I'm sorry" Bae giggled, wrapping her arms tightly around my waist as we continued walking down the neighborhood, almost making it to my house.

We just got back from our first date. We went to an arcade and we made nothing but crazy and fun memories.

My legs did start to feel sore a bit from all that running and walking around we did.

We eventually made it to my house, walking up the steps a little bit before stopping in front of the door.

We stood in front each other. Bidding each other goodbyes.
Bae suddenly grabbed my hand and balled them up into fists before holding them up to chest. Specifically on her heart area.

I felt her heart beat it was real calm and It made me calm.

"Y/n, I've never had this much fun with anyone in a long time. I know we've only hung around for a month but I feel secure with you and starting to feel loved again. Will you be my gf?"

My face lit up as my eyes widen.

"Oh my fucking god yes!" I squealed.

Mushing my mouth onto hers.
Our tongues circling around each other for a bit before pulling apart with a wet smack noise.

"I love you."
"Me too."

Monday Morning

I walk into school feeling like the luckiest bitch ever.
Trying to contain my excitement for seeing Bae since we are now girlfriend and girlfriend.

I go into the library since that's where me and my friends usually meet up at to talk before heading to first period.

I walked through the Library entrance examining the quiet room in hopes of spotting out my friends. But I spotted something else instead that awakened anger in me.

Bae caressing and flirting with Yeji.

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